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future of gaming, generated voices?


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I was thinking, maybe sometime in the not so far future in games rather than just having voice actors you could have the game create voices. So like you type your name and the game will say it. Maybe you could speak into a mic and pronounce the name and the game will pronounce it that way.


Also like if you do something, not only will the npcs respond in action but also say way more things based on the action and not limited to a list of pre-recorded voices.


It would have to be some time after the perfect it though, so it sounds like a real person rather than a computer.

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Well, the closest thing I could think of for that is a large database of possible words that the voice engine selects and combines based on certain conditions programmed into it using an advanced AI, like this:


How Are You

When Is Me

What Him/Her

Why That

Where It

Who The


Talk to an unknown NPC to get:


Who are you?


The closest thing I could think of for that would be mixing Vocaloid and Cleverbot to create a makeshift AI singer. Vocaloid voices are made using a real persons voice and manipulating voice databanks to create vocals. Since I don't know of any speech synthesis software other than Vocaloid that does that, we'll probably have REALLY computerized voices. I do like the concept, though.

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Guaranteed, the first mods that would come out would be sexual in nature ... just some humor here.



Moira Brown .... "Hey, I hear you're that stray from the Vault ... sheriff says that you need my gun."


Me ... Well it doesn't have to be "your gun" any one will do."


Moira Brown .... "Oh don't be so shy, it's ok ... everyone loves Moira's gun.


Me ... They do ?


Moira brown .... Sure they do honey, just follow me into my experimental chamber, mind the mole rat potion and the books please ... there's a dearie."


Me .... Ok, so where's "The gun" ?


Moira Brown .... Don't be so impatient it's coming right up, so you just get comfortable and soon good old Moira Brown is going to make all your troubles disappear".


Me .... Well I sure hope so Moira, I sure need a gun, quite badly.


Moira Brown ... *giggle* you're just teasing me now.


Me ... huh ?


Moira brown ... I'll just bet you a muties munchkin that that vixen Nova told you didn't she ?


Me .... Who's Nova ?


Moira Brown ... Don't be playing no monkey shines on me dearie, besides it doesn't matter *she turns around*, there, what do you think of that for a gun huh ... wild right, yeah yeah ? '


Me ... Oh crud, i'm going back to the Vault ... and quick !

Edited by Nintii
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Good in theory, doesn't work in practice. Speech is not just words and sounds, it's pronounciation, intonation, and fluidity. Even if you have a good text to speech program, you have to spend countless hours manually tweaking each sentence considerably to make it even sound remotely human.
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