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Projectile that fires Projectiles


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I will not make any "Inception" or "Yo Dawg" Jokes.

I'd like to know if it's possible to create a projectile that releases other Projectiles in flight or on Impact. Something like the "jumping Bomb" Principle. You lob a Bomb somewhere, it explodes on Impact and jumps forward and then explodes again on the next Impact and so on.

Or maybe like the Grenade of the Heavy Weapons Guy in Team Fortress 1, which exploded into smaller "Grenadelets" which then exploded too. Fun!

The "HW Grenade" could be useful to smoke out Rooms. Maybe a Missile could act as the "Carrier" and explode into five Frag Grenades.

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Yes, it can be done, My mod CASE has cluster 25/40mm grenades, And cluster/Carpet missiles.



I'll add remote detonated claymores if anyone can make me a model of a claymore.


While bouning bettys sound cool, AFAIK FONV calculates explosive damage by the explosion intersection distance to the NPC's feet. So raising the explosive would actualy cause less damage.


Projectiles can only release new projectiles when they explode, So you are limited to time delay, Proximity, and detonator.

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