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Stuttering, but is it my monior's fault?


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Hi All,


I bought a new computer last week (Q6600, 2x Sli 8800GT, 4GB of RAM, etc), but I haven't yet bought a new monitor (a 22" samsung pebble, hopefully next paycheck). As it stands my montior is an OLLLLLLD LCD, in fact it's so old that i should probably emphasize old some more: OOOOLLLLLLLLLLLDDDDDD!!!!! Also at the time it was dirt cheap, and I can't even find the company who's name is plastered on it on the internet anymore.


My problem is stuttering (of a fashion) in Oblivion. With all the graphics cranked up and a couple of texture/LOD mods my exterior framerates are between 60-70fps (according to ~TDT). If I walk in a straight line it actually even seems like this is my frame rate. But, as I turn, it quite often stutters and even seems to go out of sync (with the top part of the screen seeming to turn faster than the lower part), the whole experience is slightly headache inducing. I have also had this problem in Crysis, but i just put it down to poor performance.


So, anyway, if you could just assure me that it IS my pooty monitor and not my expensive new computer that'd be great. Thanks.

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Might be the monitor..being old, how old..i know its..well..''OOOOLLLLLLLLLLLDDDDDD!!!!!'', but how old exatually..do you get this problem in any other games? (apart from Oblvion with texture mods, and crysis..the 2 most power demanding games on the market), have you updated to the latest NVIDIA drivers?

i would say it is probally the monitor...is there any other monitor (or screen for that matter) that you could test it on? i know the old LCD monitors had issues, but also it being a cheap one doesn't help..before you buy a new monitor, see if it does it on any other screens..if it does, it could be the Drivers...One of my friends had this problem with a 7 series, and tried EVERYHTING...exept cleaning the connectors, so try that too.

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I think it is 2002/2003 old, and if I remember correctly the response time was 20ms, which I'm starting to suspect is pretty bad by modern standards.


The only other game I've played so far on my new PC is UT3, the problem wasn't there as much. It ran very smoothly (as do crysis and oblivion if I don't turn), I do think problem was there occasionally, but limited somewhat by a lower mouse sensitivity.


My hosemate has a CRT monitor, maybe I'll test out my system in the old school.

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Rather than bothering to test it (mostly because I didn't want to lug my pc upstairs of the crt downstairs) I just went ahead and bought a samsung 2232BW pebble. It's extremely nice. No more stuttering, but I do still get tearing unless i turn on Vsync (or use full hardware antiailising with in game HDR - that brings down my FPS pretty quickly, meaning that the pc lags more than the montior).


I've never had such a large monitor (or such a high end computer). I experienced a storm in oblivion last night for the first time and it blew me away - the graphics, the sound, that vaguely ominous feeling, even the annoying rat that I couldn't see for all the tall grass - all epic. I am really, really, really looking forward to sinking my teeth ito this game properly now... goddamn... BRING ON THE WEEKEND!

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