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Hurry up Friday!


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oh my, you haven't even preordered it? AND you're gonna wait for reviews? BEGONE BLASPHEMER!



Jokes aside, the waiting has become quite unbearable, i feel like a freaking kid on christmas eve waiting on that package, i've been snooping around a couple of days looking and feeling upon, usually i get hyped about games i really like, but never like this. It really is quite pathetic that a grown ass man can't think of anything but skyrim... geez

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Today wasn't too bad. Luckily work has kept me busy but after work.... Time goes by so slowly.... Friday will be the true test of my patience since I will be waiting to pick it up after I get off from work.

HaH! I get to play it till twelve in the afternoon and then stop cause I have to go help kook for 200 people at a gala, i'll be busy with that till almost twelve in the evening and then i'll probably be to exhausted to play, i'm crying inside.

Edited by Jaxom120
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