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Want a music overhaul for oblivion


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Hi, I had just listened to a music mod for Morrowind: it consisted of rock/metal guitar.

Does someone have a complete rock/metal Oblivion music overhaul.

It doesn't have to have lyrics.




Enya's "The Celts" would work as well, but I don't want to mess with copywrite crap.

Even though it would be for person use and NOT FOR SALE.

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You can put whatever music you like into either the exploration, public, dungeon, or battle subdirectories in your data\music directory, and the game will play them randomly when you're in that partular situation (public in towns etc, battle in battles, dungeon in dungeons, and exploration everywhere else). You can also delete the traks already there, but I'd recommend making backups in ase you want them back later :)
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