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What country gets the Steam activation first and what time is it(gmt+-


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Aussies get it first, according to Pete Hines. Steam will unlock for them in 27 hours


Actually I think Kiwi's get to go first, but us Aussies are second in line. Friday cannot come soon enough :dance:

Edited by shadow_scale9180
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Aussies get it first, according to Pete Hines. Steam will unlock for them in 27 hours


If this is true I need to learn how to use a proxy/vpn, I think it allows your connection to go through for example Australian IP, making Steam read you as an Aussie.

My country gets it in 38 hours, seems like forever. ;/

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I don't think steam would be so easily fooled by the use of a proxy, i'm sure plenty of other people have tried it before you - and failed.


nebrule, I had to smile at that...noting speaks of impotent fury like the flipping the bird.


I still get skyrim before you do, and I also get it in a steelbook dvd case too :dance:

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Why wouldn`t it get fooled? I mean, Steam sees my IP address and if it`s from AU, then Steam will read my connection coming from AU, am I right?


If it was really that easy to get skyrim to unlock on steam a day or so early, everyone would be doing it.

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