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midnight launch


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They don't really do midnight releases here... Not to mention I pre-ordered from Steam so, at about 1AM on friday, I'll probably be playing... Provided I'm still awake/able to drag myself out of bed by then... Not that it matters, I have the day off! =D
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They don't really do midnight releases here... Not to mention I pre-ordered from Steam so, at about 1AM on friday, I'll probably be playing... Provided I'm still awake/able to drag myself out of bed by then... Not that it matters, I have the day off! =D

no you wont

reason being steam never relases games at midnight it is always unlocked 9am valves time. when will ppl learn.

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no you wont

reason being steam never relases games at midnight it is always unlocked 9am valves time. when will ppl learn.


Really? If I get on the Steam site it tells me it's going to unlock on time (midnight EST for me). Or are you going by info that was getting passed around last week?

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lol anyone who shows up to a midnight luanch for this game for the pc version will get a joke played when they get home install then have to wait till 9am steam server time till it unlocks


Yeah.... it really sucks that I can't play aft...... oh wait, that's right, it unlocks on steam at Midnight for me on the east coast in the New England part of these United States.

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no you wont

reason being steam never relases games at midnight it is always unlocked 9am valves time. when will ppl learn.


Really? If I get on the Steam site it tells me it's going to unlock on time (midnight EST for me). Or are you going by info that was getting passed around last week?


no thats how steam always worked. dont believe me look up other games like stalker. dont go by what steam says cause it gets unlocked when vavle unlocks it.

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I'm going to the midnight launch in downtown Seattle... Gamestop said they'll have a few consoles hooked up at 10pm to let people play Skyrim prior to the midnight sale. Needless to say, that clinched it for me... that and the fact I've only got a half-day Friday before a weeklong vacation. I've been telling people that I'm vacationing in Skyrim. When they ask where that is... I tell them it's a northern province and that only a small percentage of the population gets to visit.


Well is Steam required to play? I don't have a steam account and don't plan on getting one. Im just going to get it, install it, and play it. simple as that.

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