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Vertibird Friendly Base


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Does anyone feel like making a base that can accommodate a vertibird? I started to make one; however I suck at modding and interiors so I was wondering if someone could slap something together. A player's followers doesn't have to live there and you don't have to get crazy with the storage trunks although a merchant with a crap load of caps would be nice to have. I hate selling stuff to merchants that don't have enough money. I would be very grateful if someone could just make a vertibird friendly home.


Thank you for your time.

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Because I stink at interior design I've just made a little tent city complete with a storage tent and a tent thats used as quarters, as well as two landing pads, and a firing range. I'm still hoping a more skilled modder would like to whip something up. Anyway I would like to thank those for taking the time to read this post. Thank you and please have a good day.
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