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Missing wood mesh (or something) help?


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I'm really sorry if this is something painfully obvious or something >3> But, I'm missing the wood (or whatever) mesh that makes up the chicken pens - As well as various random objects such as a few tents, a big wall (I think) for the Goldenglow Estate thieves guild mission, etc. Anybody know what I can download to fix this? It's really getting annoying ;3; (even more so than the rare floating camps).

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  • 1 month later...

Found it:


From the hunterborn comments by the author:

Q. The shelters above my chicken nests are missing?
A. Whoops! I'll fix this in the next update. In the meantime open up Hunterborn and delete the file Hunterborn\meshes\Clutter\Stockade\stockadeleanto01.nif

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  • 1 month later...

Oh my gosh, thank you! I swear I've double checked every mod in my load order, wouldn't of even... Didn't even, think of double checking hunterborn xD Just coming back to Skyrim now, and that. That's a lifesaver. Or, well. A very, very useful fix for something that should be minor.

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