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New Spells


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im trying to create new spells not just ones like do thing things for so long but a totally new type such as a teleport to vivic spell or wind damage you knoe new stuff. so where is the file i got to change and how do i do it?

Basically my brother wanted like a mark 2 spell and i thought i could make a itm that teleports but only doors do that and you cant carry doors. :construction:

any one got any ideas or am i going to far with this modding thing?

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Hang on... it might take months, I've been trying to "hack" into the spells for ages... Get past the hard codes...


You can mix spells together and make mock-effects...


These are some examples:


Magnification: magnifies all spells you use within the spell's amount of time without the extra loss of magicka.

HOW: simply use fortification of what you're best at.


Bindbending: Changes all attributes of self or other for a certian amount of time.

HOW: Fortifying, draining and calming or rallying.


"Water" Damage: "Drowns" the target

HOW: Takes away their fatigue since they're "drowning", and damages their health very slowly.


Freeze: makes the target go frozen!

HOW: Paralyze and frost damage. A useful mix...


... and some other useful stuff.

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Those are interesting effects you've found, MDH. The question of the Mark 2 spell is covered by plugin that is already online, along with a good teleportation mod. The mark spell plugin allows you to store up to 10 (i think) mark points, and the teleportation thing is a ring that has about 20 different locations which are very useful. They are both (as far as i know) on the main site.
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There have been a few in-game mentions of other, non-added spells. In the Excavation report on the corpse of Anes Vendu in Ngthuleft, it tells of the lost secret of the Passwall spell, which I assume allowed the spell target to pass through walls. I would like the ability to resurrect NPC's or creatures. Or the ability to summon non-Daedric weapons, just energy-light blades that last only for a certain amount of time. A spell that increases the reach of vision would be nice, as would be a spell that detects NPC's, like the werewolf ability. It would be cool of there was a spell that made the target have a disease, like Helljoint on target.
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