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FWE - Game breaking glitch


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Ok, I need to uninstall FWE due to instability problems, and gameplay problems. I thought it would be pretty easy to uninstall but boy was I wrong. Initially, I just went into FOMM, unchecked everything FWE related, and created a new merged patch. Somehow, everything survived. I've tried moving all FWE files somewhere else, but again, nothing. I tried deleting the FWE files, but omehow the FWE control panel and perks are still there. Nothing is working! I'd rather not uninstall the game, because my HDD failed and I cannot install anything, and unistalling large programs leads to instability and crashes. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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If you used FOMM to activate it, then it should remove everything related to the mod. However, if you ever installed any patches, updates, or anything else to do with FWE not through FOMM, then FOMM will not remove those files. Alternative to uninstalling the game. You can instead just delete everything in the data folder. This utility can help with that.
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Additionally, if you have any files installed which even mention another mod, Fallout will then try to load that mod as well. It's supposed to be "idiot proofing", but it ends up catching you up more often than not unless you know this.


Why it would still be loading up FWE after you deleted it entirely doesn't make any sense tho. You must not have gotten all the files. FWE has an ESM file, an ESP file, and I'm guessing you did have some compatibility patches as well. Make sure they're all switched off before you try to nuke your system to get rid of it.

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