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Male Animations Request


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This is a request for male animations for idol, running, jumping, weapons and magic. There's a serious lack of male animations whereas females have loads. I think we need to see more male animations, pretty much anything other than the regular ones, sensible of course! So any modders out there please, please, PLEASE can you do us all a favour and make male animations.


My ideas are as follow,


2 handed weapon animations

1 handed weapon and a shield animations

2 1 handed weapon animations

Magic: i.e. summoning, destruction, restoration etc

1 handed weapon and spell animations

2 spells animations


Mounted variations of all of the above (melee and magic)

Maybe weapon/spell drawn variations of all of these too?

Running animations

Jumping animations

Crouching animations

Sprinting animations

Mounted walking, running and sprinting animations


Those are my ideas for male animations, I hope someone out there with the skill (I know there's a lot of you) and time to do this is reading this and decides to do this. If so, thanks in advance :)

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