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Request: A V for Vendetta suit.


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I know, I know. It's been asked before. Probably anyway. I just re-watched the movie and thought that, in combination with throwing knives (which does have nicely working mods), it would be pretty Chuck Norris. A.k.a. good. Badass. Nice. Whatever floats your boat.


Now -- I've used the Search function and came across this. Not a bad collection of masks, but they clip like there's no tomorrow. Maybe I could go through all the trouble of 3dsMax (or whatever it may be called) to make that not-clipping, but as I'm implying, I'm not likely to do so.

Also, a nice cloak mod is also out there. Not a lot of clipping, and it looks nice. Probably has a V-like cloak in there.


So, I request: A V-Suit. A Dark Brotherhood-armor-like... armor thing with a nice black cloak and, of course, the mask, working. Preferably with hat (and hair) as well. My gratitude will be great and everlasting.

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  • 10 months later...
:thanks: You're not the only one who wants a set of V's clothes. I've never made a mod before, but unless someone else does the work before I do, I'm more than likely going to make the suit and mask myself... Assuming I ever figure out -how-. Did, however, find a mod that has the Guy Fawkes Mask here. Now just to peice together the rest of the suit. :thumbsup:
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It would also be nice to have the knives and the knife throwing animation to this costume as well....


There is already a very unique mod out there that adds throwable knives to Oblivion :). Here: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=16429


So basaically now all we need is an off hand Silver Dagger mod and the Costume :)

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