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Review Score Predictions



29 members have voted

  1. 1. What score will Skyrim receive from most major reviewers

    • Lower than an 8
    • 8
    • 8.5
    • 9
    • 9.5
    • 10

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So I realize that at this point, no one really gives a damn what score Skyrim will get, but its fun (for me at least) to speculate.


Im predicting a 9.5


Being the biggest internet game news site, Ill go ahead and predict based off IGN's rubric.


Presentation: 8.5- Higher level of polish released of any Elder Scrolls game thus far, but still riddled with a handful of annoying bugs. Sleek, intuitive menus and a great skill tree system. Also, DRAGONS?!?


Graphics: 8.5- Amazing environments and interior spaces, with a true 'lived in world' feeling, while some of the character models leave something to be desired.


Sound: 9- Great battle and creature effects, very atmospheric world effects, but the voice acting can be a little uninspired in some cases.


Gameplay: 9.5- The addition of two-handed wielding makes for more creative approaches to battle, and a further emphasis on stealth and magic use make for a variety of ways to approach gameplay. A plethora of other tasks in the world include splitting wood, creating armor, concocting potions and drinking mead.


Lasting Appeal- 10- The main quest alone will take you upwards of 30 hours, and thats not including the dozens of hours will spend completing the various guild related quests. Lets not forget about the 150+ that need clearing.....



SO yeah, thats how I am predicting it will go down :)

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A 10 would just be an overly fanboy guess, but I think this game is going to rock the gaming world. 9.5 was my vote.
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Game Informer will give it a 9, PC Gamer will give it just under 90%, Kotaku and RockPaperShotgun will recommend a purchase, and IGN will probably give it a 9.5/10 if Charles Onyett (the only decent PC gamer in IGN) reviews it, and probably an 8-9 on consoles.


And of course, if Casey Lynch reviews the game for the consoles, he'll give it a 6, because, I quote him: "WINNER: DARK SOULS".

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I think it will end up with a 9 to 9.5 average (I voted 9.5). It's going to get lots of 10s on Metacritic from various critics, but some review sources (like PC Gamer) have never handed out a perfect 100 percent score (the highest they've gone is 98). Then there will be a couple holdouts that try to knock the game down a peg just because they want attention, or because they let it get way too hyped up in their own minds. It will level off somewhere in the mid 90s.
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+Shiny swords

+Cookable Salmon

-Too long, didn't finish

-Doesn't hold your hand

-It's not COD

-No noobtubes


Winner: Dark Souls


I don't really get the hype around dark souls. I played demon souls and I've seen dark souls and in my opinion they're just not that fun. Imagine a scenario if you will....


Your an extreamly busy young person who spends nearly all their time constantly working their butt off at work and/or school. The end of the week comes, and you finally have a full six hour block of time to play a game and have some fun! You put in your new game create a character and enter into a cool looking gothic fantasy. Two minutes in you die... Another minute later you die... You spend the next six hours making almost no progress and still not understanding the game at all really. The next day you wake up and start work again. All of your 6 hours of fun time for the week wasted dying over and over.


I suppose Dark Souls has its place in the world, but that place is definately not with me.

Edited by fisban0
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I suppose Dark Souls has its place in the world, but that place is definately not with me...

....in bed.

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