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NommersIRL banned.




Reason for the ban

Insulting chat troll:




Wow. What the f***. I mean what. The. f***. I can't f***ing stomach f@&#!ts like you clogging up our community with your inane bulls***. f***ing dross. You're really a f***ing c***, you know that? Guys like Trainwiz spend their whole f***ing lives working on this s***, and f***ing revisionist pricks like you go out of your way to pawn off the hard work of saints like Trainwiz. I can't f***ing believe it. Trainwiz works so hard, so f***ing hard, every day, at the plantation, just for assholes like you to s*** out this f***ing garbage like it's nothing. f*** you. You're a nothing. f***. You.



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Moderation history

This member received 0 informal warnings and 0 formal warnings before they were banned



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