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Gamespot now streaming HD PC Version


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I watched the beginning part. They switch between someone who just started and someone further along (I skipped the latter, but it was annoying). For those of you wanting to avoid spoilers, but want some details on how the PC version looks. Unfortunately, the beginning guy never got far enough for me to compare the shadow quality vs the 360. But the textures were definitely better, in some places very good indeed (although I did notice about two textures that didn't look much, if any, better than the 360). I think I could live with these textures at least. The armor and weapons seemed most detailed, and much better than any in Oblivion. Also, the streaming footage was pretty low quality. I was watching it in "HD" but I only had it taking up 480p screen space and many times it was hard enough to determine texture color, let alone resolution. I thought I noticed object popping in a couple places, but that turned out to be the video pixels going crazy. Aside from textures though, I didn't really notice anything else that looked different. User Interface was the same as 360, unfortunately.


Anyway, I don't recommend watching this stream if you want to avoid spoilers. Or even if you're just curious about the PC version quality. Not only was the video quality bad, but he never went to the settings so I could see if he was on max details or not.

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IGN also has a 18 minute HD video that is all PC footage. Its just gameplay+commentary, its pretty good. A couple spoilers though, but no huge surprises.


Anyway, yes, the PC version appears to be MUCH better looking than the consoles. I will say that across all platorms, the back of shields consistently looks terrible. It really obvious, especially when your holding right noext to a very detailed and highly ornate weapon, which all look beautiful. I smell an early texture mod pack........

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IGN also has a 18 minute HD video that is all PC footage. Its just gameplay+commentary, its pretty good. A couple spoilers though, but no huge surprises.


Anyway, yes, the PC version appears to be MUCH better looking than the consoles. I will say that across all platorms, the back of shields consistently looks terrible. It really obvious, especially when your holding right noext to a very detailed and highly ornate weapon, which all look beautiful. I smell an early texture mod pack........


Hmm. I can't find the footage you're talking about. They're supposedly having a live stream today at 12pm (dunno timezone), but I couldn't find the 18 minute video you speak of. Could you point me in the right direction perhaps?

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