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Killed NPC revenge mod concept (necromancy)


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The radiant AI system got me thinking - since you can kill off people with little influence on the available quests, why not make all of those killed npcs into a quest? So once you kill (x) number of innocent npcs (town-folk, dark brotherhood quests, etc) (maybe a chance % for the quest to trigger each time that you kill one, that increases each time you kill one), one of their relatives (necromancer older sibling/parent, maybe even a young child driven insane who is an unstudied prodigy) is driven to resurrect everyone you've killed. I'm assuming some kind of face color tint, and age modification can be done to the base character facials to make them all look undead, so they look like the people you've killed.


After that, you're constantly hunted by these ghouls, maybe skeletons too depending on how long they've been dead, and you eventually piece together clues to what's going on. You can then find the child/necromancer, and disable the spell, or kill them and take control of the spell. If you take control of the spell, you can then summon these ghouls to you for protection, but maybe some curse follows you when they're around, because they hate you. Low constant health/fatigue/karma drain? If you talk the kid/necromancer down and disable the spell, maybe an xp bonus, and a unique perk/power? (repel undead, Light of the Undead (halves undead health?), Friend to Undead/Necromancers, etc)



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  • 6 months later...
Sounds way too complicated. Maybe if the killing were more specific to a quest, like you had to kill everyone in a mansion in order to get (insert important object name) and then later on you're attacked and you get a quest activated upon killing attacker to observe him, you observe dead attacker, realize you've already killed him before, then quest to get to the bottom of it begins. Then we gon on with the rest of what you suggested. But for just anyone you kill? Way too complicated for the average modder!
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