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epic monster gameplay


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hey dudes... i am studying cinema directing and well i came over skyrim some few months ago and i pretty love much the work everyone had done so far i dont think a game can be more perfect so now am going to the point

as you've all realised fighting the monsters of skyrim easyly becomes boring and monotonous as you level up the only difference is like they get a buff in health and attack...there is a problem in skyrim; begining is nice but rapidly becomes crap....well my idea is like giving minster enemies special fighting system just like in the witcher 3 or monster hunter sequel....dragons have legs but its actually asif they often forget it....they keep flying d when they land pfff ....hahahaha i the dragonborn will slaughter you now....what i propose for exampl taking dragons is adding them charge attacks both while flying or while on land....some dragons can even perform jump headbut....your only way to evade sis actualy by jumping sideways or a special button can be a mapped so that pressing it at the right time permits you not onmy to evade but also can trigger a counter like a non killing killmove

..now dragons are imprévisible! you can hardly tell their nextmoves

...you can wait on a high slope for a flying monster to pass then jump on the back and start slashing but he also will go faster using dives and coiling around therefore puting you in a sequence where you will have to press buttons not to fall

...you can distabilise a winged flying creature maybe with a bolt shot in the eyes or by destroying wings...destroying they wings permanently restrain the monster from flying back although some (boss) mey use a shout to summon minions distract you while they regenerating wings or tail not health

tailed monsters now effectively use their tails..thats a great unpredictable attack

trolls or other creatures can also madly charge over you and some boss will have a boost on scale while others will shoot projectiles or other will even have an alternative fight system while low on health

some last resort gameplay for monsters

-timed cloning

-scaling up


-charging charging and charging

-scream out call ally (mostly if it is greatly outnumbered)

-minions summon (laying eggs for non magical creatures....i think the spider does something similar)

- reserved brutal combat style activates on low health

-restore damaged body parts

-grow leech like plants that absorb magicka on contact(am thinking about the hagraven or springrans)

-a powerfull beast like a troll may step backward a start throwing stones to you

humanoid monsters may pickup weapons on the ground (draugr)

giants or dragon goes berserk (only thing to do hide) cause their precision greatly reduce

-if you are fighting a boss enemy and he is nearly defeated he will try to shoot a paralysing beam but instead of slashing and whaking you afterwards he will either regenerate 1/4 blood or one bodypart

summary of features


-overdamaging some creature parts disabl them from using it.eg...tails, wings , spider toxin sac burst and cannot shoot toxins again, cutoff or damage troll arms...make large sounds and completely disorient falmers

-new gamplay system with dodge and button insert sequence with none lethal killmoves

-monsters have special capacities

-monsters may change colour or have an.aura to show something weird is happening

naturaly the main point is to make so some creatures have unique attributes and some only availabl for highly leveled monsters....am sure the adrenaline will keep going

everyone is free to do whatever he wants with my ideas but please may it not be dust binned...i know thats a very big overhaul that even maybe need a team

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