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Voice Acting


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Hey guys, so... I'm absolutely overexcited about Skyrim and ever since I discovered modding communities, I've loved modmakers with all my gaming heart. They make the experience longer, better, funnier!


So I thought, I might give something from myself here. I'd be happy if I could help the modders in some way, and what comes to mind is voice acting. If you need a voice actress for a mod of yours, feel free to contact me at red[dot]nightshade[at]gmail[dot]com.


I'm a female in her twenties. I have an accent, but if you don't mind that, I have a clear microphone and I've done amateur voice acting before (and still am) :) I can send a link to a demo reel (audio file with voice samples for different lines and characters in various voice tones) for those that might feel they could use a voice actress.


I guess this is a bit ahead seeing how the game isn't even playable yet, but I wanted to put it out here, maybe some of you will keep this for the right time :) And you know how it goes with excitement! It makes you post things ASAP, yes? Yes. Good :psyduck:


Only serious offers! For mods that are near finished and of quality, you know. Voice actors are about the last thing you need to acquire for the mod so you should have things to show beforehand. I do not bail on people when I commit to something without a seriously valid reason, but for that I'd like some reliability as well from the other party :)


That being said, I wish you all good luck and tons of fun and I'm waiting impatiently to see the mods being made and to play them soon ^^


4.5 hours to go. I WANT TO PLAAAAY! :D


EDIT: It was not 4,5 hours. It's American time! I cried on the inside (and almost on the outside). Sleep time, I guess, will have to save the world tomorrow ;<

Edited by Esteris
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