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How long to hardcore mod?


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I actually rather wait to start playing until a couple of real required mods are built. The hardcore mode is such a requirement. I can't play oblivion or fallout without it anymore. plus the weather mods(which may not really be needed from what I've seen so far)
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I was about to make similiar thread. I'm not a exprienced modder myself, and it'll take one week before I even get to play this, but there's some rule changes that I belive are possible to make.


- No hitpoints regen.

- Scarce potions / other items to make cooking and alchemy more usefull.

- Simple basic needs mod, maybe it's possible to use existing scripts like health/stamina debuffs to make this work.


Any other ideas?

Edited by Tadaa
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I agree, to an extent. I heart realism mods. . . but I'd probably alter realistic health. I want realistic sleeping, eating, and lower health max limits, but for fun's sake I'd probably keep health regen or speed it up. Otherwise I end up backtracking four miles to find a bowl of soup. I'd like to die in a couple of hits, but I don't want one bad move at the beginning to cripple the rest of my quest.


I give it about three weeks until someone makes a mod like this. If there's no indication of such a mod by then, I'm going to try to make one.

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