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First "technical" impressions (no spoilers)


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Knowing TES games, i like that you can actually create your own backstory...its just that people are so used to start with some given background story its hard for them to suddenly be droped out to cold, to create their own story.


Writting about a tes game after playing it only for 1 hour, thats just a bit wrong...after playing for a week or 2 its true potencial will come out.

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Knowing TES games, i like that you can actually create your own backstory...its just that people are so used to start with some given background story its hard for them to suddenly be droped out to cold, to create their own story.


Writting about a tes game after playing it only for 1 hour, thats just a bit wrong...after playing for a week or 2 its true potencial will come out.


Playing the game for a year will not fix the UI in anyway without mods or a fix from the devs. I don't really care about the backstory that much. But what i don't understand is how on earth do you make a backstory in a game? you can not play the game before it starts, you can not go back in time in any of the TES games as far as i know. So please tell me how you can make a backstory about a char in a game if you can not play the past (don't say make it up you're self. That is not what this is about)


I am pretty much sure that the game is a great play like the rest of the tes games if you can look away about the poor UI and in general bad convert from consoles

Edited by tomhjen
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Knowing TES games, i like that you can actually create your own backstory...its just that people are so used to start with some given background story its hard for them to suddenly be droped out to cold, to create their own story.


Writting about a tes game after playing it only for 1 hour, thats just a bit wrong...after playing for a week or 2 its true potencial will come out.


Playing the game for a year will not fix the UI in anyway without mods or a fix from the devs. I don't really care about the backstory that much. But what i don't understand is how on earth do you make a backstory in a game? you can not play the game before it starts, you can not go back in time in any of the TES games as far as i know. So please tell me how you can make a backstory about a char in a game if you can not play the past (don't say make it up you're self. That is not what this is about)


I am pretty much sure that the game is a great play like the rest of the tes games if you can look away about the poor UI and in general bad convert from consoles

It's called RP, bro. You make it up for funsies.

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You immagine it...its simple ...the game gives you a hint where you are being led to your execution...till you arrive there, you have so many possiblities to make up your backroud...if you cant immagine it ...then simply you are too used to be given everything like on a plate.


People are too used to be taken by hand and being led by the game creators....i think bethesda wants to get rid of this and simply wants to let your immagination go out...you can come up with "pff its all exuces for a poorly made start" but if you cant immagine a simple thing as making your own backstory then you have a serious problem.

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You immagine it...its simple ...the game gives you a hint where you are being led to your execution...till you arrive there, you have so many possiblities to make up your backroud...if you cant immagine it ...then simply you are too used to be given everything like on a plate.


People are too used to be taken by hand and being led by the game creators....i think bethesda wants to get rid of this and simply wants to let your immagination go out...you can come up with "pff its all exuces for a poorly made start" but if you cant immagine a simple thing as making your own backstory then you have a serious problem.


never did say i had a problem with it, i love it. But that don't give me the right to bad mouth people who don't like most fanboi's (99% of the replys here)


It is some times seens i played Oblivion, but if i am not misstaken not even the people who put you in jail (the guards) know why you are there, that is stupid. You was put there for some reason, and being told why don't need to affect anything, but letting you know why. But as it has been/is now you are left with a huge





before you head of in to the game. I can see that being a problem for some, and it is sad that non of you can, and it tells more about you then me and the OP :)

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Apparantly some people need to be dragged by the hand and told everything about their character because they have no sense of creativity. This isn't a linear game so use your imagination. Also as for it not looking much better than oblivion, we can see it does by screenshots alone so get your eyes checked. And if you're really that irked about it, there will be UI and graphic mods in a month or two if that, so cool it dude.


Also before anyone points it out... flame flame flame flame flame. And I'm proud of it.

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It is some times seens i played Oblivion, but if i am not misstaken not even the people who put you in jail (the guards) know why you are there, that is stupid.


Does every police officer or prison guard IRL know what every single prisoner is in jail for?


Yes they do, atleast in norway where i am from. And i think in the states too, but not so sure. It is because of security and some inmates who are very bad needs spesial handeling.

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If i offeneded you i apologize, it wasnt ment that way...for me its all about immagination...its the key to all starts of tes games...The "why" is something you have to fill up yourself...thats about it.


Im not being blind to the flaws of tes games ... on the contrary...there is many of them, but it depends on you tolerance level...playing bethesdas games for many years now my tolerance level is pretty high, though im not saying to ignore them...i just dont see the whole "no background story" point as bad.


About the UI...it was pretty much clear it would end up that way i guess.

Edited by pavy
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OP, i agree with the issues about the AI (besides the hotkeys. they ARE there, though i didnt get to use them myself since i read about them only after i had to leave home), but frankly i tihnk the game looksee great and plays great. yeah, distance background looks bad compared to the up close one, but in 95% of games this is the case so i didnt expect better anyways. not on THIS generation. but other than the distant land i find the game gorgeous. better looking than i had thought it would be (cant wait for SKGE :-P ) and i enjoy playing it greatly.
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