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I can't adopt any child again after get 2 children from honorhall orphanage.


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Any suggestion please. This glitch make me feel so bad.
I plan to adopt all children in skyrim but they don't say adopt dialog after I got 2 kids for honorhall.



0. Buy children's room in Whiterun and Riften(= 4 bed available)
1. Finish Innocence Lost quest (Lucia and Sofie have adopt dialog YES)
2. Get letter to adopt kids at honorhall orphanage. (Lucia and Sofie YES)
3. Adopt 1 kids from honorhall orphanage. (Lucia and Sofie YES)
4. One more. Adopt 2 kids from honorhall orphanage. (Lucia, Sofie and everyone in honorhall have no adopt dialog NO)

Quest-related File that I install :
- Update
- Dawnguard
- HearthFires
- Dragonborn
- Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Patch

Nonquest-related File :
- SkyUI
- Auto Unequip Ammo
- A matter of time
- Purity

Console command that i have try before :
- markfordelete ,disable then player.placeatme
- kill then recycleactor
- kill then resurrect
- resetai
- setrelationshiprank and addfac

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