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Restoring an old save file


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Hello, Dubious, this is a reply to your message.


Let me explain the situation again. I want to play with my old save file. I already know how to put it in there along with all the associated mods, so we are okay in this part. Now it gets interesting. There is a bug which, I exclaim, persists not only on this save, but on any other playtrough I start. This means that starting over from scratch would not change much. I could reinstall the game a hundred times and make a new character each time - the textures will still render slowly.


Okay, so my primary goal now is to get rid of the texture rendering bug. Z-Fighting, also a problem which persists with every reinstall I make, is somewhat natural. You were saying that you know how to obscure the flickering mountains by fog, yes? Do you mind telling me again? In that case, the problem is kind of solved, as we cant do much else.


Thank you, hope we can make it work this time.

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I've added some information on INI tweaks to create "fog" to this entry in the "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" guide.


Re: The "rendering slowly" issue. Yeah, we put that off as a separate problem, so it's time to address it. I know you said you have a new video card since your previous play-through, but I don't see where you ever listed your hardware. What video adapter are you using, and is it a built-in chip (typical with a notebook/laptop) or an add-on card? How much Video RAM does it have and how much system RAM does your computer have? Is your OS 32-bit or 64-bit? Are you using any game 4GB enabler such as FNV4GB, or the "ENB Boost" feature of ENB Series, or any other "post-processor"? See this entry in the above reference "Mod Conflict" guide about maximizing "heap" and game memory.



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Okay, so here is my hardware.


Intel Core i5-4570 CPU @ 3.20Ghz



My graphics card is an Nvidia GeForce GTX 970. The old one was an AMD Radeon R9 200. Now, the thing is, that the slow rendering was present on the old card as well. I think I explained this earlier on in this thread.

My operating system is Windows 7 Proffesional, 64-Bit. I do not use any 4GB Enablers.

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"I do not use any 4GB enablers". That explains the slow rendering performance. You're memory starved despite all that RAM. You are being limited to only 2GB for your game.


See this entry in the "FNV General Mod Use Advice" article, and this one in the "FNV General Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" guide. You can use "ENB Boost" without the FPS hit from the "post-processing" by simply renaming/moving the ENB Series D3D9.DLL file.



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  • 3 weeks later...

To be honest, I have experienced my problems less often without the 4GB Enablers.

As I said before, the issues persisted trough multiple installs with different characters. During one playtrough, I was using the 4GB Enabler. That is when the slow rendering started - everything was fine before that.


I don't know if this is relevant, but it seems to me that I have the same issue in Fallout 4. The Z-Fighting is also present there, but I think you said that is caused by my graphics card and not really repairable, so I just roll with it. But some objects and landscape do generate rather late. I was thinking, if this happens in two different games, maybe it is a graphics card thing like the Z-Fighting?

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With Win7 Pro, 64-bit, 16GB of RAM, and a 3.2GHz CPU, you should not be having problems with the LAA flag (i.e. "4GB enablers") in this game. (It really is just that simple: setting a "flag". See the article "2-4GB game memory limits and solutions" in my signature for details if interested.) Were you using this one, which I know works on a very similar platform? Recheck that you have installed it correctly. Search on "FNV4GB" in the "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" guide for several different tips about configuring it in various circumstances. Ask if you have questions.


Time to consider if this is a hardware problem.


Try downloading the (freeware) ENBSeries standalone tool "VRamSizeTest" and run it to see how much video RAM it finds.


Download the (freeware) "MemTest86+" and see if it finds any memory problems. You will want to run this overnight as it needs to make multiple passes to thoroughly exercise the memory. The more you have, the longer each pass takes.



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I am positive that this is a hardware issue. I tested this in Fallout 4. I loaded a save on a different character without mods installed. I noticed the same thing happening - landscape loading rather slowly.


But it also happens in other games, for instance, GTA IV, in addition to the Z-Fighting. In GTA IV, grass in particular loads right in front of my nose. I suppose this is enough confirmation that save corruption in the Fallout games is out of the question.

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Problems that cross games are indeed indicative of a hardware problem. If you still have your older video card around, try swapping it in for the newer card (changing drivers if needed) and see if there is a material change. If so, contact the newer card manufacturer about a replacement if it is still in warranty.


Otherwise, you will probably need to take your box into a shop to have them run a diagnostic on the full system.



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The thing is, I have already had removed the old drivers and most software associated with my old card. I had a technician do this for me as I am a bit of a technophobe... Looking into this might be a bigger problem than I think.


But I am wondering, how is it that I noticed the slow rendering bug in Fallout 4 just now? And I do not remember the Z-Fighting being present there either. I have been playing the game since I got my current GPU installed and only now noticed both of the issues, after about 150 hours of playing.

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Also, to put things into perspective, in Fallout 4 and GTA IV, only objects like grass, containers, cracked pieces of roads, etc. are rendering slowly. In New Vegas, the ground is in lower resolution as well.


Just thought I should point this out.

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