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Hotkeys problems


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There is definitely an issue with this. Another bug is that if you favorite then hotkey an item (let's say "Hunters Bow", favorited and bound to hotkey #2), then you switch to your sword, kill an NPC and loot another Hunter's Bow, your original Hunter's Bow is unbound from the hotkey you assigned it to.
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Hey guys,


I actually managed to get my hotkeys working today after using Imperal Sword (times 2) for ages. I Used the sword Chillrend and the Nightinggale Blade for it. I like to switch between Bow and Sword so when i received the new weapons was annoyed i couldnt switch between them anymore. Here is how i got it working,


Favorite the items you want by pressing F on the Inventory Screen.


Bring up the favorites ingame by pressing Q.


Next you want put the 2 duel weapons in the hands you want, for me i chose Nightinggale Blade main hand and Chillrend off hand.


After you have selected the hands etc continue with this;


So with the Favorite menu opened i Pressed number 1. on the Nightinggale Sword, the HELD LEFT CTRL and press number 2. on my Chillrend weapon and finally press number 3. on my bow.


So now when i want to swap weapons i press 1. which gives both swords and 3 which pops up my Bow, this has worked perfect for me so far but the only Draw back to this is IF YOU PRESS NO 2. IT WIPES THE BINDING and you have to do it again.


I had trouble with that so what i did was Bind one weapon to number 1. and the other weapon to Number 8. so i wouldnt accidentally click 8 as easily as i might number 2.


I really hope this works for all you duel wielders as i love being able to switch from bow to both weapons fast :D


Please reply if this has helped you, i hope it does.

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my 'workaround' is a little simpler. im switching between bow and dual daggers, so i put only the bow on key 1.

now when i have the daggers equipped and press 1 i equip the bow and when i press 1 again it switches back to daggers.

this wont work if youre using 2 different sets of dual weapons of course :P

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