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Horizontal Jetpack Flight


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I love the power armor jet pack, but what I'd really love is to cover some ground with it. Fast travel is for ◻'s.


I propose a toggle key, like the sprint key, that when hit while the jet pack is running switches between two different flight modes. The first mode (Height Mode), is the vanilla mode, emphasizing vertical movement. Great for scaling buildings and leaping chasms. The second mode (Flight Mode), thrusts you forward in the direction the camera is facing for horizontal movement. Great for covering some distance.


There's already a number of mods adjusting AP and Fusion Core consumption, so I don't think that's a necessary addition to the mod. Users can download whichever drain rate they find best (I prefer 10% of vanilla drain myself.)


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Sounds interesting, might be cool to have buttons/keys that could be used for strafing as well, might work well on the ground and not just the air. Actually the CROSS Jet Pack mod has some of the features you're looking for I think, only I don't think the forward motions work in the air, only on the ground as a "jet assisted sprint".

Edited by Mythos214
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The CROSS Jet Pack is excellent for combat mobility, but I'm looking for something to supplant fast travel in survival mode, and for that something to be as rad as possible (In this context, rad could mean extremely awesome OR highly radioactive. Either works!)

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The CROSS Jet Pack is excellent for combat mobility, but I'm looking for something to supplant fast travel in survival mode, and for that something to be as rad as possible (In this context, rad could mean extremely awesome OR highly radioactive. Either works!)


I use the CROSS jetpack for travel in Survival, instead of fast travel, and here is what I do. If you want a little reading about the jetpack mechanics do a search for Parachutes in this Mod Request section and you will find a thread that I replied to that gives a lot of information about jetpack flight.


Basically I have tweaked the sustained thrust so I slowly float back to earth and use the vanilla walking speed for horizontal movement. Vanilla walking and running speed is really the only horizontal movement you get. To help this I use a mod Vault Tech Speed and what this mod does is makes you move either very fast or extremely fast. The mod gives you the ability to craft drugs that give you this special effect for either 1 minute or 2.


Pop one of these pills and now your vanilla walking speed is much faster, thus your horizontal movement is much greater.


With the tweaks I have made to the games jetpack mechanics I have a long slow ascent and a long slow descent. This gives me about 20 full seconds of "flight" time. I have also tweaked the jetpacks initial thrust drain and sustained thrust drain to use very little AP. With the tweaks I can pop a speed pill (1 minute) and fly to well past the Starlight Drive In in two "jumps" before the pill wears off and the AP is drained. I can also fire rockets at the Raiders in Concord while I fly over them. :)


This jetpack setup with the tweaks and speed pills make fast travel in Survival a non issue. You can easily fly anywhere on the map quickly. It will still take some work and some time but it is a total blast to use. Good luck!

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