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NifMerged head with misaligned hair

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Sorry to keep asking questions, I really should get in here and offer help, too.


So, today I got around to merging the head meshes for five followers. Four of them worked perfectly, the fifth...not so much. His file in NifMerge was fine, the bar at the bottom was green, everything matched up. But in game, his hair looks like it was pushed backwards into his head. It kind of looks like he shaved a strip between two thin wisps of hair and the rest of it. So he's got two antennae. There's pics below - the RaceMenu shot is what the hair is supposed to look like, the other one is how it turned out. Sorry about the lighting in that one, he hangs out in the Ragged Flagon.


I've re-merged it a couple of times, even re-exported his head mesh and tried it that way. I really hope I'm not screwed at this point since I don't particularly want to do all this again, but ya know. Is there any advice anyone can give? Maybe it's just the hair...maybe I'll change his hair model and see what happens.




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NifMerge is used to copy the morphs from a RaceMenu-edited head mesh to a vanilla-generated one (and you probably do know what it is, I'm just a dummy and didn't think to mention it by name). Unfortunately, there's nothing to be adjusted in that tool, as all it does is present the headparts to you in both meshes to make sure they match up and can be safely merged. All the hair-related headparts are there. The hair, when used on a vanilla mesh, looks fine. And as you can see, in RaceMenu it looks fine. Something is going consistently wrong during the merge process, and while I've looked at both meshes (the RaceMenu one and the merged one) in NifSkope, there's nothing visibly wrong; there's nothing to tweak that I can see, though . Maybe I ought to upload the nifs. In fact, I will!



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I downloaded your file there. Before I do anything, and this may sound stupid, but is the hair intended to be several feet above the head? As I said, I'm unfamiliar with NifMerge(I have heard of it, but I've never used it).
I opened it in NifSkope and the hair is not touching the head at all.

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Yeah, that's normal for some aftermarket hairs. I could not tell you why it is that way, but rest assured that is working as intended, and in practice it sits where it ought to :smile:


Edit: To clarify, I mean it is way up in the stratosphere in NifSkope and in CK, but in game it isn't. When I first started making races/followers a long time ago I freaked out and thought I'd broken something using one of Apachii's hairs :P

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Gotcha. I applied a -Z transform to the mesh so i could see where it sits and it appears to be situated back ever so slightly. Perhaps NifMerge goofed a bit? But then I also would have expected the hair to touch the head so, what do I know? lol

Anyways, try throwing it in NifSkope, clear Transforms on the hair, and apply a .5 increase of the Y in Transform edit on the NiTriShape, save and see what that does for you in-game.

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Okay, I am so sorry, but I changed his hair to a different model and it's fine now. I hope I didn't make you go too far out of your way, Fantafaust. I should have done this before, but I guess I thought I was more attached to that style than I turned out to be. Thanks anyway though for responding :)

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I was too slow :P I totally hadn't thought of that, it's been so long since I've had to. Think I'm gonna stick with what I've got, but I really do appreciate your help, and thank you for reminding me of that function. Definitely writing it down in my catch-all cheat sheet for future reference!


Thanks again!

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