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DDS saving.


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Trying to transfer a tattoo mod from one skin texture to another skin texture but running into some issues. First I tried the Nvidia plugin but that made the skin look like it's covered in frosting and sprinkles. Then I tried the Intel one and got the tattoos to show but the skin is still white. So any help would be appreciated.

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Sounds like you have problems with the alpha channel. Use Paint.NET it will sort that out for you automatically and supports same dds compression in the Nvidia ps plugin, only natively so no extra plug-ins required. Its great for small tasks although it doesn't come close to replacing Photoshop entirely.
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Sounds like you have problems with the alpha channel. Use Paint.NET it will sort that out for you automatically and supports same dds compression in the Nvidia ps plugin, only natively so no extra plug-ins required. Its great for small tasks although it doesn't come close to replacing Photoshop entirely.

Thanks alpha was key. Didn't know it needed that. Mostly used to working with 2D images. Now to adjusting everything slightly to the right and shrinking.

Edited by GameGeeks
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