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Weapons in 3rd person:)


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I would very much love someone to mod the abililty to see both duel weapons e.g axe and sword when they are sheathed (note sure on the word) :)


Ive noticed that my character just pulls the second weapon out of thin air lol


And it would be awesome if some could make a mod where the the duel weilding weapons are on the back of the character with a cool animation reaching back over his shoulders and pulling his weapons off his back:)



What do you guys think?

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doesn't have to be on the back, just dangling from your hips like it is now only both of the mshowing. as it is now when you sheath your weapons when dual wielding only one weapon showson the right side of your character's hip. so just adding another weapon on the left side of the hip can't be too bad.. unless there is a reason for that.. perhaps because of the shield.. i dunno
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didn't say you could, i meant that the shield and the offhand weapon are somewhat linked in a way that if you make it so the offhand weapon would be shown on your hip's left side, it would also cause a shield to be on your hip when you sheath your weapon.
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Unfortunately, although I really really hope to be proven wrong, I think this is a holdover from previous games where there was no real way to show more than one weapon equipped. There were some cosmetic hacks, but it wasn't the real deal.


Personally, I'd like to see not only that, but the ability to display several different weapons at the same time, like one on each hip, one on the back + bow&quiver. For that hack'n'slash Rambo feel. ;)

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