Marishi Posted November 11, 2011 Share Posted November 11, 2011 Does anyone know why I can't assign the numberpad keys as my game keys? Unfortunately there my favourite keys for playing. This is the first time I've ever encounted this and its a game breaker for me. Does anyone know how to unlock them so they can be used? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Blissful7 Posted November 11, 2011 Share Posted November 11, 2011 (edited) edit: deleted Edited November 12, 2011 by Blissful7 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Blissful7 Posted November 12, 2011 Share Posted November 12, 2011 (edited) Bethesda is aware of all of the keybinding issues and will probably release a patch soon. In the meantime, there's a thread on Bethesda's official Skyrim forum where people have explained how to easily create an AutoHotkey script. This will allow you to use your numpad keys. Remember to run AutoHotkey "as Administrator" on your computer. You may have to play in Fullscreen Windowed mode when using AutoHotkey. Here's a Borderless Windowed Fullscreen - AutoHotkey Script mod that helps with that. Anyway, here are two posts from that thread: From page 8As said by Hep this morning (page2), Autohotkey works fine, you have to install it, create a new text file (right-click on the desktop, new, text file), copy paste the script below (you can then personalize it), save it as Skyrim.ahk and then open it with autohotkey (right-click on it, "open with", and then find autohotkey exe in your program files folder (check the "always do this for this type of file or something" box, so next time you'll just have to double-click on Skyrim.ahk to run the script)). Here is the script : #NoEnvSendMode InputSetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% Numpad7::rNumpad8::wNumpad4::aNumpad5::eNumpad6:: dNumpad1::zNumpad2::sNumpad3::jNumpadDot::Tab (Take the space out between the "::" and the "d", because of forum smileys...) That's all you need, you can change 0, 9 and the other numpad keys in the controls, in-game. From Page 7[YOU NEED TO RETURN KEY BINDINGS TO DEFAULT!! If you're downloading autohotkey and have already changed key bindings it won't work. Restore key bindings to default. All you need to do is quit the program from the taskbar when you're done playing Skyrim. This works!!) I have a poll going on in the general forum about this issue. I was irate about it, but I want to play Skyrim. I did as was suggested and downloaded the Autohotkey program. It works wonderful, and NO you DON"T need to reboot your system to set them back. When you're done playing Skyrim simply left-click (for us lefties, I always say right-click when I know it is left-click for us) in the taskbar on it and exit the program. Autohotkey It takes about a total of one minute to download and install it. Anyway for anyone that wants here is how I did it. Note the first key is the key I am binding to, the second key is the key I am binding from. There are two occerences of this for each key, if you read the script it will be very easy to understand and tweak to your hearts content. Here is the best part. I haven't done it yet, but you can take num lock off and use the keys again to bind for the hot keys. That I will work on maybe tomorrow. I hope this helps someone....This is the post I did in General Forum a couple hours ago: Okay, so I was very frustrated last night when I started playing and could not bind keys to the keypad. Also there are those who are upset that they cannot bind certain other keys. Well this is a 100% fix. (1) you need to download a program called Autohotkey (very easy to find download and install.) (2) Open Notepad Here is what I personally wrote in, you may change it according to your taste: #IfWinActive Skyrim *numpad5::send {w down}return*numpad5 up::send {w up}return *numpad4::send {a down}return*numpad4 up::send {a up}return *numpad2::send {s down}return*numpad2 up::send {s up}return *numpad6::send {d down}return*numpad6 up::send {d up}return *numpaddot::send {q down}return*numpaddot up::send {q up}return *numpadsub::send {r down}return*numpadsub up::send {r up}return *numpad0::send {e down}return*numpad0 up::send {e up}return *numpad7::send {Tab down}return*numpad7 up::send {Tab up}return *numpad8::send {f down}return*numpad8 up::send {f up}return *numpad1::send {Space down}return*numpad1 up::send {Space up}return *Right::send {LAlt down}return*Right up::send {LAlt up}return *numpad9::send {z down}return*numpad9 up::send {z up}return *numpadAdd::send {Ctrl down}return*numpadAdd up::send {Ctrl up}return *Down::send {Capslock down}return*Down up::send {Capslock up}return *Up::send {c down}return*Up up::send {c up}return *Pgdn::send {F5 down}return*Pgdn up::send {F5 up}return *NumpadDiv::send {m down}return*NumpadDiv up::send {m up}return *PgUp::send {i down}return*PgUp up::send {i up}return #IfWinActive (3) Save file to desktop as: skyrim.ahk (4) Before you play skyrim double click on the skyrim.ahk file on your desktop you should notice an H in your taskbar now, meaning it is active. Open Skyrim and play. Thank you to this website at Reddit for the tips on getting this working: Here are a list of all of most of the keys as a reference when you edit the file:Activate - EReady/Sheathe - RCharacter Menu - TabToggle POV - FJump - SpaceSprint - AltShout/Power - ZSneak - CtrlRun - ShiftToggle Always Run - CapsLockAuto-Move - CFavorites - QQuicksave - F5Quickload - F9Wait - TJournal - JQuickload - F9Wait - TSystem Tab - EscQuick Inventory - IQuick Magic - PQuick Stats - ?/Quick Map - M Here is the list of keys for AutoHotkey: Note: The names of the letter and number keys are the same as that single letter or digit. For example: b is the "b" key and 5 is the "5" key. Space - the spacebarTabEnter (or Return)Escape (or Esc)Backspace (or BS) Delete (or Del)Insert (or Ins)HomeEndPgUpPgDnUpDownLeftRight ScrollLockCapsLockNumLock Numlock ON Numlock OFF Numpad0 NumpadIns Numpad1 NumpadEnd Numpad2 NumpadDown Numpad3 NumpadPgDn Numpad4 NumpadLeft Numpad5 NumpadClear Numpad6 NumpadRight Numpad7 NumpadHome Numpad8 NumpadUp Numpad9 NumpadPgUp NumpadDot (.) NumpadDel NumpadDiv (/) NumpadDiv (/) NumpadMult (*) NumpadMult (*) NumpadAdd (+) NumpadAdd (+) NumpadSub (-) NumpadSub (-) NumpadEnter NumpadEnter F1 through F24 - The 12 or more function keys at the top of most keyboards. AppsKey - this is the key that invokes the right-click context menu. LWin - the left Windows logo keyRWin - the right Windows logo key. Note: unlike Control/Alt/Shift, there is no generic/neutral "Win" key because the OS does not support it.Control (or Ctrl)AltShiftNote: The hotkeys Shift::, Alt::, and Control:: fire upon release of the key unless they have the tilde prefix such as ~Alt::. By contrast, a specific left or right hotkey such as LAlt:: fires when it is pressed down. Note: For the most part, these next 6 keys are not supported by Windows 95/98/Me. Use the above instead:LControl (or LCtrl) - the left control key RControl (or RCtrl) - the right control key LShift - the left shift keyRShift - the right shift keyLAlt - the left Alt key RAlt - Note: If your keyboard layout has AltGr instead of RAlt, you can probably use it as a hotkey prefix via <^>! as described here. In addition, "LControl & RAlt::" would make AltGr itself into a hotkey. PrintScreenCtrlBreakPauseBreak -- Since this is synonymous with Pause, use ^CtrlBreak in hotkeys instead of ^Pause or ^Break. Enjoy! ETA: If you have already changed the binding on certain keys, don't forget to return them to default in order for the program to work and assign the keys correctly. It will be a lot easier that way. Edited November 12, 2011 by Blissful7 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Blissful7 Posted November 12, 2011 Share Posted November 12, 2011 (edited) btw, here's my own AutoHotkey.ahk for comparison (fullscreen windowed mode script & in game bindings): #SingleInstance Force#Persistent SetTimer Skyrim, 500Return Skyrim: WinGet IDs, List, ahk_class Skyrim Loop %IDs% { ID := IDs%A_Index% If ID not in %Old_IDs% { WinActivate ahk_id %ID% WinSet, Style, -0xC40000, A WinMove, A, , 0, 0, 1680, 1050 WinActivate, A } New_IDs .= ID "," } StringTrimRight Old_IDs, New_IDs, 1 New_IDs =Return #NoEnvSendMode InputSetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% Numpad8::wNumpad4::aNumpad5::ctrlNumpad6:: fNumpad1::qNumpad2::sNumpad3::mNumpad9:: pNumpadDot::rDelete::jNumpad0::eNumpadAdd::tabNumpadEnter::spacePgDn::altPgUp::cNumpadMult::mEnd::capslockNumpadDiv::i Edited November 13, 2011 by Blissful7 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marishi Posted November 13, 2011 Author Share Posted November 13, 2011 Thank you all so much, it works and its simple to do (which is good). It feels so much more comfortable using the keys I'm familiar with :dance: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Allita Posted June 24, 2013 Share Posted June 24, 2013 (edited) Hi, for some reason in skyrim my numberpad doesn't work, so i cant type console command.Well only the numbers doesn't work the other keys on the pad are working.Can someone help with this? Edited June 24, 2013 by Allita Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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