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Skyrim CTD problems


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Ok I have some new information. I tested the game twice, and now I seem to get a CTD in one specific spot. On both times I chose the same option from Alternate Start, and crashed when I walked on a road near Helgen and Fort Neugrad.


I was going to check the TES5Edit for possible conflicts but I'm no specialist in these things, since I know a particular location where this crashing happens, is there a way I can locate the problem better?

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No need to be a specialist, as I said before :

  • You may load all your mods with Tes5edit and use the (right-click in the left pane) apply filter to show conflict losers. Wait till Tes5edit has finished. With 113 mods, the results. Then use the results to deactivate ALL the mods contained in this list and test in game. Then the only way I think will be to test mods one by one. This should eliminate any conflict related mod, (excluding scripts)
  • IF this above doesn't work, does deactivating all your mods work ? If so, either you have a script conflict, either you ask too much to your comp and should simply optimise your installation, chose / reduce your mods, etc...

Try to work methodically to isolate problems and decrease the size of your search, you should gain time

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