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Skyrim Crashing while Looting - and other


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  • 4 months later...

Hey I think I found a fix to this.


I was getting a CTD whenever I looted a chest or body (didn't try opening my inventory). No error messages or anything, just an immediate CTD. I have mod organizer installed, and that seemed to be what was causing the problem. When I launched Skyrim with SKSE from mod organizer, the game would CTD when looting chests bodies etc, but when I ran skyrim directly from the SKSE shortcut, without using mod organizer, everything started working fine.


Anyways hope this helps

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Hey I think I found a fix to this.


I was getting a CTD whenever I looted a chest or body (didn't try opening my inventory). No error messages or anything, just an immediate CTD. I have mod organizer installed, and that seemed to be what was causing the problem. When I launched Skyrim with SKSE from mod organizer, the game would CTD when looting chests bodies etc, but when I ran skyrim directly from the SKSE shortcut, without using mod organizer, everything started working fine.


Anyways hope this helps

Hi, just wanted to say this is great info because I just started having this problem and I use Mod Organizer. But I was under the impression that MO wouldn't apply mods unless you ran SKSE directly through it. Do you mean you started manually installing the mods or used NMM before running SKSE from the desktop shortcut? Or have I been misinformed about having to run SKSE through the MO program in order to get the mods to work?

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Hey I think I found a fix to this.


I was getting a CTD whenever I looted a chest or body (didn't try opening my inventory). No error messages or anything, just an immediate CTD. I have mod organizer installed, and that seemed to be what was causing the problem. When I launched Skyrim with SKSE from mod organizer, the game would CTD when looting chests bodies etc, but when I ran skyrim directly from the SKSE shortcut, without using mod organizer, everything started working fine.


Anyways hope this helps

Hi, just wanted to say this is great info because I just started having this problem and I use Mod Organizer. But I was under the impression that MO wouldn't apply mods unless you ran SKSE directly through it. Do you mean you started manually installing the mods or used NMM before running SKSE from the desktop shortcut? Or have I been misinformed about having to run SKSE through the MO program in order to get the mods to work?

I have been installing mods using NMM, and then launching Skyrim from an SKSE desktop shortcut (not MO). When I got MO, I launched Skyrim SKSE through MO, and then started getting CTDs when looting anything. Upon further investigation I think what was happening was MO wasn't launching SKSE correctly or something along those lines. Hope this answers your question. There are also some really good reddit threads about MO/SKSE compatability. If I find them I'll link them here.

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Thanks, I appreciate the response. I'll check reddit to see if I can find those pages you're talking about. the weirdest thing is, though, that it only just started happening to me after 15+ hours of playing with the exact same load order, and now it's happening 2 out of every 3 times I try to loot chest armor off a dead female NPC or when I remove chest armor from my character or a female follower (and only in those very specific circumstances, but unfortunately they're circumstances that are really annoying to avoid). I think it may have something to do with using the UNP body and vanilla armor to UNP replacers, but again, that never caused a problem for me before yesterday, and obviously plenty of other people use UNP without issues...
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  • 1 month later...

I had the same issue - figured out it happened when looting or stripping chest armor so I googled abit and I found out, that it might be a problem of skeleton.nif file. So I went and reinstalled XP32 skeleton, which probably opened those crucial files and voilá, it worked, can play peacefully now. Hope it helps! =)


Mod: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/26800/?tab=2&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fskyrim%2Fajax%2Fmodfiles%2F%3Fid%3D26800&pUp=1

Topic: http://www.loverslab.com/topic/24363-game-ctds-everytime-i-take-off-characters-armorclothes/

Edited by Cornellia
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  • 6 months later...

Hey I think I found a fix to this.


I was getting a CTD whenever I looted a chest or body (didn't try opening my inventory). No error messages or anything, just an immediate CTD. I have mod organizer installed, and that seemed to be what was causing the problem. When I launched Skyrim with SKSE from mod organizer, the game would CTD when looting chests bodies etc, but when I ran skyrim directly from the SKSE shortcut, without using mod organizer, everything started working fine.


Anyways hope this helps

im using NMM to organize my mod and launch SKSE through NMM it 's still CTDing XDdamn this CTD thing i'm a khajiit and i'm a thief, how am i supposed to pickpocket people when it keeps crashing whenever i loot or pickpocket XD

yesterday i didn't have any problem about the ctd but today it's coming back what the heck


i tried launching without nmm and it still crashes my skyrim(CTD)

Edited by mylifeis2
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  • 4 months later...

yeah having the same issue I know this is a really old topic but I do have skyUI and I would uninstall it but I need it for a few of my mods but even then I don't remember exactly which mods needs skyUI this bug is really starting to annoy my I have about a 50%-65% chance of crashing when I loot usually when I'm looting corpses when I loot containers like chests I have about a 10% chance of crashing is there anything to fix this?

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  • 1 year later...

I think I may have found the problem (form me anyways). I have the UNPB body mod installed and have just started getting this problem. My game only crashes when I try to loot armor from a female character while playing as a male character. There is probably an issue this reformatting the skeleton of the armor. I don't know how to fix it so far, but it just an observation I have made.

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Generally this is because your skeleton should be loaded at the bottom of your load order and overwriting nearly every other mod. It should be very high priority and is causing conflicts because it is not. At least that's what I've learned. It could also be a memory issue, but not likely.

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