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Skyrim vs Fallout 4


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So here's a question - never played Skyrim but will pick up the remaster for sure, which console Mods should I look out for (with any luck assuming the great Mod war of 2016 is over by then) to improve it before I start? Caveat: i'm not interested in cheat/character uplift style mods, just "improve the story" mods.

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I think FO4's biggest fault (and therefore a huge role playing win for Skyrim) is the way it railroads you into the main quest. There's plenty to do in Skyrim without ever touching the main quest, but in FO4, you're a parent looking for a lost child...not very RP friendly the way Skyrim (and NV are).


Not to mention that the whole setup is basically a reversal of FO3 (child seeking parent). Why not do something new?


It's also much easier to play evil or morally ambiguous characters in Skyrim, not so much in FO4.

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I think FO4's biggest fault (and therefore a huge role playing win for Skyrim) is the way it railroads you into the main quest. There's plenty to do in Skyrim without ever touching the main quest, but in FO4, you're a parent looking for a lost child...not very RP friendly the way Skyrim (and NV are).


Not to mention that the whole setup is basically a reversal of FO3 (child seeking parent). Why not do something new?


It's also much easier to play evil or morally ambiguous characters in Skyrim, not so much in FO4.

The way I see it both games do that. I mean in Skyrim it's kind of worse because dragons are flying everywhere and killing everything. For Fallout 4 it's just go at your own pace, you can play your character as if you're not looking for Shaun. That's what I did, my character avoided the subject because there was always a sense of doubt Shaun was even still alive.

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Fallout 4 story is obviously made in flat. It becomes even more flat after the son. That doesn't mean Skyrim offers more round characters or better choices. Skyrim tends to be Epic so it has its great moments though.

Two games are genuinely sandboxes packed with radiant quests(aka go there and kill x men) and sandbox features. Anyone tries RP in those games will be dumped into the fourth wall playing a video game.

Since Beth games have evolved with more refined video game features, not role-playing elements. That was the key of successful business. I like in that way. Settlement and Workshop DLCs are a big let-down for me, but large fans have wanted it since Fo3 Settler mod, hard to complain.

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The way I see it both games do that. I mean in Skyrim it's kind of worse because dragons are flying everywhere and killing everything. For Fallout 4 it's just go at your own pace, you can play your character as if you're not looking for Shaun. That's what I did, my character avoided the subject because there was always a sense of doubt Shaun was even still alive.



The premise is bad. I tend to ignore it too, but it paints your character into a pretty tight corner, since you get reminded of your child ever so often. Even if you try to evade the particular dialogue options. At some point you have no chance to evade it, since the dialogue wheel doesn't let you out before you have clicked the child option. See Piper's interview for reference as well as the Lungs, whom I didn't even tell the reason for my being here, by the way. They're just telepaths, obviously. And then my character gets all teary and sentimental although I don't give a damn.

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The premise is bad. I tend to ignore it too, but it paints your character into a pretty tight corner, since you get reminded of your child ever so often.

Hardly, even in the main quest. They hardly say you are a parent. The side quests say nothing about it as far as i know.



See Piper's interview for reference as well as the Lungs, whom I didn't even tell the reason for my being here, by the way. They're just telepaths, obviously. And then my character gets all teary and sentimental although I don't give a damn.

Then walk out from her house, that is what i did, you can walk out from chat in fo4. And it makes sense you get teary, you went to her to tell your story, why care if you don't give a dame in first place?

Edited by Boombro
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So here's a question - never played Skyrim but will pick up the remaster for sure, which console Mods should I look out for (with any luck assuming the great Mod war of 2016 is over by then) to improve it before I start? Caveat: i'm not interested in cheat/character uplift style mods, just "improve the story" mods.


That's too difficult to answer, honestly. I didn't start playing Skyrim until about a year after it came out and there were already plenty of really great mods to choose from. I spent an entire weekend watching and reading reviews and writing notes down on a list of mods I wanted to run and checking to see if they were compatible with each other. Now, being several years later, I'm sure there's even more great ones to be found. I'd suggest spending time looking through the mods on the Nexus now and figure out which ones you want and hope that they become available when the remaster comes out.


As for which game is better? I think I enjoyed Skyrim a little more as I liked the characters and the world that was created. With it being based in Fantasy, I think you can get away with more in the story and characters and use your imagination a little more. But I really like what they did with the settlement building features in FO4 and kind of wish that Skyrim had enough of those same features to where you could build your own house. Who knows?, maybe the remaster will have a special added bonus of house crafting in it (looks at Bethesda while tapping fingers on table). That would definitely make me want to play it again.

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So here's a question - never played Skyrim but will pick up the remaster for sure, which console Mods should I look out for (with any luck assuming the great Mod war of 2016 is over by then) to improve it before I start?

Other than patches and Ui mods. nothing.


Try to play it in it pure form, you don't want to mod it in the first run as much as you can.

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