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Skyrim complete PC crashes


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Hi, the issue that causing the Black Screen Crash is definitely in the quest system and it is corrupting your saved games as well. I have tested everything out from updates, quality settings and hardware but nothing nothing works. Whenever I finished a quest and went out to from a city, cave or anything, sometimes I got this BSC. So I have to shutdown my laptop and restart the game and reload it from an autosave, after I got back to the game it crashes again.


Solution for me is that I make a lots of saves manually and whenever BSC happens I just open the savegame that I have made earlier and after that I can play again for a very long time, from 6-24 hours.


I hope this helps out everyone until bethesda finds out the problem causing this issue.


How would that explain crashes that happen on fresh install of Skyrim with no game saves. I had completely re-installed Skyrim, removed all my old game saves, started a new game and still crashed within 15 minutes. Unless someone has ran memtest86+, prime95, linx, 3dmark11, heaven dx11 benchmarks/stress tests successfully then I'm pretty positive at this point after fixing my own issue that most of the users here are experiencing these system shutdowns due to system instability.


I said the issue is with the quest system and the bug makes incorrect changes in your game status. About the saves, skyrim makes autosaves and when this bug occures it saves the bug as well, that is why BSC happens after continuing or loading back an autosave or manual save with the bug occured. About stress tests as I mentioned above I ran tests all of that you have mentioned on the highest setting and memtest as well and all came out without any problem at all.

Edited by norbertrunner
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Bottom line is a game doesn't have the access to completely crash an entire PC. Most it can do is CTD on a stable system. Either way, I'm done here. Sad thing is most people with this problem are waiting for a fix that is never going to come. :(


If anyone with this problem needs help testing their system my PM box is open, I shall commence gaming now.

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Bottom line is a game doesn't have the access to completely crash an entire PC. Most it can do is CTD on a stable system. Either way, I'm done here. Sad thing is most people with this problem are waiting for a fix that is never going to come. :(


If anyone with this problem needs help testing their system my PM box is open, I shall commence gaming now.


It doesn't crash the entire PC, just video and sound which can't be fixed without a hard reset. You say it isn't, can't be Skyrim? Then why is it only this game in my case? BF3, BC2, TF2, Metro, Rage, not to mention every single other game I have runs fine without incident. Furmark and Heavenly can run for hours, Memtest and Prime 95 pass with flying colors. So why does only Skyrim do this? You and some others say it has to be hardware yet logic dictates the complete opposite, all signs point to Skyrim and Bethesda's barely tested POS code as the culprit. If it looks like, smells like, and tastes like chicken then it's probably f***ing chicken. Sorry, I'm just sick and tired of some people trying to blame hardware. In some select cases that might be, but for the vast majority of users having this problem it's highly doubtful.

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Most of you may not like what I have to say since wanting to play Skyrim has been so frustrating, but I did find a solution and I didn't like it. I don't have a tweak, only a change of video cards.


I removed my HIS 6870 IceQ X 1GB GDDR5 video card and inserted my XFX Radeon HD 4870 ATI-Design 1GB GDDR5. I did not change the video drivers or change the Realtek drivers...I just booted up the system after changing to the ATI card, logged into Steam and began playing where it always crashed using the HIS card. The exact place where my system failed to continue using the HIS card did not crash my system using the ATI HD card. I have been able to play without any issues. I will be interesting to go back to my HIS card and play to see if it does crash again, but I don't think that will solve anything, but wasting more time on this.




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You could backup your savegames, and then start with empty folder, and offline.

If this didn't help, maybe without mods also.

And look for remains of earlier inofficial patches, that could conflict with official ones.


From what i've read in the forums and experienced myself i made me a little theory,

that is that with the latest patch the way steam tracks your game advantages has been changed.

When i'm offline with steam i have an almost stable version, takes hours to crash, if at all.

and i've unlocked 66% of the game.

When i'm online with steam it crashes as described here, usually after a few minutes.

This was repeatable.

When i'm offline with steam, but online before or between, it ends somewhere in the middle.


So steam tracks your gaming history, with unlocked% and archievements.

Maybe it would be point of interest how much data is trafficked there, with patch 1.31, compared to 1.1.

Maybe not just what you're doing rigth now gets reported, instead all changes are compared... ?

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You could backup your savegames, and then start with empty folder, and offline.

If this didn't help, maybe without mods also.

And look for remains of earlier inofficial patches, that could conflict with official ones.


From what i've read in the forums and experienced myself i made me a little theory,

that is that with the latest patch the way steam tracks your game advantages has been changed.

When i'm offline with steam i have an almost stable version, takes hours to crash, if at all.

and i've unlocked 66% of the game.

When i'm online with steam it crashes as described here, usually after a few minutes.

This was repeatable.

When i'm offline with steam, but online before or between, it ends somewhere in the middle.


So steam tracks your gaming history, with unlocked% and archievements.

Maybe it would be point of interest how much data is trafficked there, with patch 1.31, compared to 1.1.

Maybe not just what you're doing rigth now gets reported, instead all changes are compared... ?

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whogoods seems to be on the right track. i too though my system was stable but after the benchmark test i was enlightened. my graphics card was scoring well below what was expected. i was running the card at normal setting and to fix this problem i ran the ati overdrive program that overclocks you graphics card for you. this is comes with the current catalyst control center. after i completed this my benchmark score jumped my 1000 points.

after 4+ hours of consistent play my card temps are good and i havent had a single crash


my thx to whogoods for the advice.

right now the game is running great if anything changes i will post

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Hey all!

I just want to appreciate all the good info on the forum. I think I have found the cause of my problem.


Basically I was getting a complete pc shutdown playing Skyrim - usually running around outside environment. For the first 60 or so hours I did not have an issue, then slowly I started having stuttering gameplay and more and more crashes. I also notice that the game was becoming more and more stuttery (sp.) I ran my temp program and the first thing it told me was that my CPU was running over 70c. Normally I idle at 44c.

I think the problem was my cpu was overheating and the safeties were shutting down the pc. I looked at my cpu and the heatsink under the fan was padded with about 1/3 inch of dust. I sprayed the case with air and removed all the dust from the heat sink and now I am idling at normal temps, after about 30 minutes my CPU is only at 55c, and there seems to be no stuttering.


I think the stuttering was from my bios throttling my cpu.

Hope this is helpful.


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