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Trouble with OBSE


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First of all, I didn't if I should put this here or in Bug report so I hope this isn't wrong.


Anyway, I installed OBSE and Deadly Reflex after I've already played alittle while with a temporary crack(saved the orginal .exe) when I wasn't at home and forgot my disc, I got an error message about it being the wrong version, which is obvious, so I changed to the original .exe now when I got home and tried it.


The game launched but it crashed when I tried to load my savegame which I don't mind but then I tried to create a new game but nothing happened how much I spammed "Start new game" so I reinstalled everything again.

Now it crashes even before the "Bethesda" logo and intial load. I've checked aroung alittle but couldn't find anything.


And I really hope that someone have any idea about this?

I have the current versions of everything and I hate that I can't play oblivion with Deadly reflex and some other addons.


*Edit1* I disabled all the mods except the DLC ones and it worked but when I enable the Deadly reflex mod I can start the game so I get to the menu but I can't create a new game.


*Edit2* I've tried all the mods I have now and its only Deadly reflex that's keeps messing with me at the "Start new game" :wallbash:

Anyone knows what to do with this?


And thanks for any answer at all.

(... and I'm sorry for being such a noob to the mod section, I haven't played in a long becouse some hardware troubles which I've finally solved.)

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OBSE can be a little weird at times. My recommendation is to make sure your oblivion game is patched to the latest version, you're using the latest OBSE, and that you're using the latest Deadly Reflexes. One last thing, this probably isn't the problem, but check that Deadly Reflexes is loaded last in your mod loading list.


Hope that helped.

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