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Terminal GetItemCount issue


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Evening all,


right, in a pickle.


Have a terminal (it's a sub-menu terminal of a world reference terminal), which should be displaying menu options based on the number of items in the players inventory and nothing else.


Simple right?


So I've done the usual; Created the menu entry and stuck the Item condition down the bottom, but when I know I've got the number of items in my inventory during testing, nothing, it won't show up in the menu.


Tried a fresh save, the works, nothing.


The item in question is a custom item, isn't a quest item, I literally cannot think of a reason why it won't work. Any suggestions?


Condition is as below:


GetItemCount [myMiscObjectHere] >= 3

Run on Subject



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Try changing it to run on target, assuming it's the player. You can also pick specific ref if it's someone else.


Hmm, thanks. Tried, didnt seem to make a difference :/


It's the player character its checking from so it shouldn't be set to check the itemcount on any other container.

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Then set it to run on Reference and specify the player.


Also, does the player have the item before accessing the terminal, or is it acquired from another menu item? Sometimes inventory doesn't update right away in dialog - maybe the same for terminals (memumode thing).

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Then set it to run on Reference and specify the player.


Also, does the player have the item before accessing the terminal, or is it acquired from another menu item? Sometimes inventory doesn't update right away in dialog - maybe the same for terminals (memumode thing).


You cant specify the player by setting it to reference can you? As it requires a cell to specifically ref to, there's no specific cell containing the player.


The items are collected from a seperate container before you go into the terminal, so no, that'd wouldnt make any sense either. Hmm.


Edit: No, wait, fixed :) Cheers mate, ref'd the cell and playerRef and it checks in ok :)

Edited by Demeggy
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