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How do you alter mouse controls?


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When I'm looking at my character from behind in third person and click LM it activates her right arm and when I click RM it activates her left arm. I want to switch these so that left mouse button controls left arm and right mouse button controls right arm. Does anyone know how to do this?


Also, in Favorites/Hot keys, when I assign "Iron Sword" to hotkey 1, can I somehow select which arm I want that sword to equip when I hit hotkey 1?

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When I'm looking at my character from behind in third person and click LM it activates her right arm and when I click RM it activates her left arm. I want to switch these so that left mouse button controls left arm and right mouse button controls right arm. Does anyone know how to do this?


Also, in Favorites/Hot keys, when I assign "Iron Sword" to hotkey 1, can I somehow select which arm I want that sword to equip when I hit hotkey 1?


Hit Escape, click Controls.


When selecting the thing you want to hot key click both mouse buttons you will see a little L and R appear and disappear.

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