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So... Anybody else started on Expert?


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Bandit plunderers, damn them. My character is a warrior specced into Heavy armor & Shields and these guys still just one shot me through a bunch of defensive spells and potions with the finisher animation so I can't even dodge that s***. It's lovely challenging although I've never taken to the way The Elder Scrolls or Bethesda's Fallout games handle difficulty; They just buff enemy damage and health. Still seems a bit unbalanced as these guys have the hitpoints of a dragon and they hit 3 times as hard, the other thing are spellcaster adepts not to mention the Frost Troll I encountered (shudder). Anybody else on Expert struggling with them as rogue/mage? What about you Normal guys?


Apprentice players can piss right off. :D

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Yeah I started on expert. Went fine until I met the bloody frost troll (the one on a main quest path...). Tried to beat it on Adept but still got my ass handed to me, haha. Ended up running around the bastard. I still play on expert but I got to admit that sometimes I have to take it down a notch - I'm just not good enough to take on stuff like frost trolls... Yet.


Oh, and I'm playing as a warrior/mage (battlemage? warlock? whatever) with heavy armor.

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