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(Spoiler) Glory of the dead quest


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  • 2 months later...
I am even worse than you. After I told Vika where I went, he just went away, not even told me to attend the funeral. I visited Skyrim Wiki, and it said that if you did the Jarl's quest about finding the Helm of Winterhold, this quest would not apprear. I wonder if it is true or not.
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I am even worse than you. After I told Vika where I went, he just went away, not even told me to attend the funeral. I visited Skyrim Wiki, and it said that if you did the Jarl's quest about finding the Helm of Winterhold, this quest would not apprear. I wonder if it is true or not.


My brother incountered the same bug, but found if he completed the Helm of Winterhold first, then went and got the Companions quest, it worked fine.


As for the funeral, has anyone said anything? Have they burned the body? Is Aela there? I know the sequence will not start until Aela has made her way up to the Forge, so if she's stuck somewhere it'll glitch the whole thing up.

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Just for information: After I've came back from the previous Companion-mission Farkas or Vilkas told me to attend the funeral. As soon as I was at the skyforge Aela started her speech. It all went without any problems. I think you can even go to Breezehome or a store before that, the funeral won't start without you. I haven't done the Helm Of Winterhold quest before.
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