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Skyrim questions


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OK so I got Skyrim today at 10am and played till 10pm! and I loved it all I have done is got to the end of the Brotherhood quest line aomg a few other things! (picked on Giants and almost died killed Dragons)


So I have some questions! =D




How does one attack cities? if they kept it?

Ia there gameplay after the main quest line?

Do dragons attack walled Cities?

I could think of more, but for now I think that fine =D




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I guess its still pretty early for us all haha!


radiant AI? Gonna have to google that haha!


Radiant AI is essentially infinite spawning side-quests. Depending on what you've done in the game etc. random NPCs will offer you quests. Things such as killing bandits in a local cave or retrieving an item are randomly-generated and in all likelihood you'll have completed a Radiant AI quest already if you've been playing the game a while.

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Sounds cool can't bealive I did not know about it.


I found a gem called 'Strange gem' in a golden box in a INN and it said to take it to some guy to have it looked at I think. That might of been one =D


So How do players attack towns? is that still in the game? I think I have a lot to go =D

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