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I love Bioshock to death, though I don't find it scary at all. Maybe it's just me. F.E.A.R. Persius Mandate is actually, IMO, scarier than the normal one.


Regenerators make me so uneasy. My friend and I are contemplating getting a ringtone on our phones with the sound the Regenerators make and playing it in quiet areas, say, school.


In Persius Mandate, I'd say the scariest part is when you go underground with Lietenant Chen and those cloaked "things" with glowing red eyes attack you.

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I love Bioshock to death, though I don't find it scary at all. Maybe it's just me. F.E.A.R. Persius Mandate is actually, IMO, scarier than the normal one.


Regenerators make me so uneasy. My friend and I are contemplating getting a ringtone on our phones with the sound the Regenerators make and playing it in quiet areas, say, school.


In Persius Mandate, I'd say the scariest part is when you go underground with Lietenant Chen and those cloaked "things" with glowing red eyes attack you.


Oh man, I gotta agree with you there. Perseus Mandate is, believe it or not, scarier than the original F.E.A.R. Just playing the demo creeped me out... Especially the part at the end, when you fall into that hole... *Shivers*


Also, I would have to say that Condemned 2 is pretty scary, but it's mostly suspenseful (sp?).





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Condemmed is pretty scary at times, escpecialy when you know and can hear someone moving around, then bang! You get a iron pipe in the face when you turn a corner...but my 360 blow up when i had Condemmed in it and i took both back. But i have to say the game was quite good ^^ I'm just unsure about buying either of them incase my 360 goes bye bye again (Happened on my birthday too T.T)


Everyone will probably laugh at this, but. When i first play Resident evil: Code Veronica (When i was about 9 or 10, i can't remeber)...you know the part where you come out of the bunker and into the graveyard...well you know when the cutscene plays when all those zombies pull themselves from their graves and Claire's scared and screaming...well...i sort of...freaked out completely and shut the console off in pure horror and fright and was scared wittless...(nervous laugh)

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^Nah, that's not laughable(well, not to me) cause at 9, you couldn't pay me to play horror games. I used to watch my brother play Silent Hill 2 and I would sit there freaking out the whole time. Heh.


I envy my friend. He played and beat all three Fatal Frame games.

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Wow, nice topic^^ Perfect for me I have to admit.


It's a bit sad that I'm so cold hearted(Borderline you know), thus no game is actually scary to me(and no movies too).

But to tell you my opinion:

1. Silent Hill 3 -> thanks to the great atmosphere and the

bloody/fleshy and moving walls in the alternative Brookhaven Hospital.


2. Project Zero 2 -> Great atmosphere and story(was shakin' me personally, I usually get very depressed once I see the true(normal) ending

3. Doom 3 -> Actually a fps, but thanks to the fact that it's so dark and the strong monsters

4. Silent Hill 2 -> The psychological terror the player is going through. Dramaturgic a masterpiece, hands down

5. F.E.A.R.(inc. XP & PM) -> I guess no explanation required

6. ... Well it's getting harder now. All of you know that good horror games are rare. I'd say that Resident Evil 1 deserved this place thanks to the isolated atmosphere the developers created here.


Resident Evil 4 is really not scary. There's too much action and the monsters are too weak. No scary sounds, atmosphere is also too lead heavy and finally, the story sucks(sorry for being so informal, but honestly, who didn't think "not again" when you found out that

the Illuminados want to control the world and Saddler wants to be the world's king?


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Well, aside from the crappy storyline, RE4 is still really fun. If the enemies are week, try professional. :P But yeah. No scare factor there, really.


I didn't care to much for silent hill 3, but 2 was really good. They're both good on the scare factor.


I haven't yet heard of Project Zero. I'll look into it.


Anyone here think Dead Space looks good?

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Well, aside from the crappy storyline, RE4 is still really fun. If the enemies are week, try professional. :P But yeah. No scare factor there, really.


I didn't care to much for silent hill 3, but 2 was really good. They're both good on the scare factor.


I haven't yet heard of Project Zero. I'll look into it.


Anyone here think Dead Space looks good?



Yes, you're right, RE4's gameplay on the other hand is really fun, sorry, I forgot to write that before. I also played professional and it wasn't much harder(except the fight with Krauser and that stupid knife QTE battle, gosh, i hate those 2 scenes...)


Project Zero is also known as Fatal Frame(in the USA) or as Zero(Japan). It is scary and interesting, but the 1st part is abit flat, while the 3rd part is confusing(story).


Dead Space, yeah, a friend of mine is playing it at the moment and will give it to me afterwards, looking forward to it^^.


But what I will definitely get once it's out is Project Origin(F.E.A.R. 2). I hope it will be scarier than F.E.A.R. and less boring(the offices, I cannot stand them anymore...)

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