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Skyrim retail version and future DLC


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I'm completely new in this forum so I hope I'm not posting this in the wrong place or anything like that and if I am then my apologies in advance..


My question is this -


I have an offer to get Skyrim on the cheap as a retail copy but I wanted to make sure first that there won't be any problems attaching future DLC to it via steam. I read that other games by Bethesda

in the past would allow you to get your DLC via games for windows and it was a very bad solution unlike Steam. I have a steam account for a long while now but their price for Skyrim is to high so I really prefer to take on that retail offer but I don't want to ruin my experience with the game when the DLCs will come pouring out later. So anyone here has any idea if Skyrim retail can integrate Steam DLC or not ?

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