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[LE] Scripting Advice: Script to take gold from player

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I'm currently working on a mod where I would like the player to optionally buy a key to a small cabin for a simple player home.


The issue I have is 0 papyrus experience. I'd like to take away 1000 gold from the player but ONLY if the player has that amount of money avaliable. If he doesn't the NPC will say 'Sorry you cant afford it' and if he does the NPC says thanks, you get a key and the 1000 gold is removed.


I've got the dialogue set up and working up until the Will you buy it Yes/No dialogue, I just need to have the money detected and removed if there's enough.


Thanks in advance to anyone who can help.


(FYI I am using the Dialogue View in CK)

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Something like:



if (Game.GetPlayer().GetItemCount(Gold) >= 1000)

;do the thing, say the positive response


;don't do the thing, say the negative response





You will have to define gold in the properties

Edited by Fantafaust
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I don;t understand, man alive why can't I wrap my head around coding...Maybe I should just give up on modding

Edited by Highlord90
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You will have to add that script shown by Fantafaust above into the "Yes" dialogue Papyrus fragment. Of course, you also have to add in the line to add the key and remove the gold from the player.

Also, you might be able to do "Game.GetPlayer().GetGoldAmount()" instead of "Game.GetPlayer().GetItemCount(Gold)" [unless the former method doesn't work].

In the IF statement, you'll probably have to use this: Game.GetPlayer().RemoveItem(Form akItemToRemove, int aiCount = 1, bool abSilent = false, ObjectReference akOtherContainer = None)

So the whole thing would be something like:

; check if player gold amount is greater than or equal to 1000
if (Game.GetPlayer().GetGoldAmount() >= 1000)
	; lines to remove gold from player then adds key to player
	Game.GetPlayer().RemoveItem(pItemGold, 1000)
	Game.GetPlayer().AddItem(pItemKey, 1)

You'll have to add the properties in to the script fragment on the right.

I suggest compiling/saving the fragment with a blank space first (i.e., a space) so you can add in the properties before adding in and compiling the code to bypass the errors.

Edited by KunoMochi
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I just noticed that the dialogue conditions has a "GetItemCount", where you can set the item to "Gold001" and weigh against "1000". That way, you can run a specific line with the script lines to remove the gold and add the key, while another to tell the player that they do not have enough gold.


That may work out better. :)

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I'll save this page, I spent 2 days on this and got so frustrated that uninstalling Skyrim was better for my health at the moment. Thanks for the info, it will be used eventually :)

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  • 3 months later...

Sorry for necromancing it, but I'm interested too..


What I'm trying to do is that, I've a table filled with food and stuff, the player would be able to get the object but I would like to subtract the object value, so I need to check if player have enough money before the selected object is effectively picked up.


Actually I've 2 problems:

how to get object value?

how to run the script before the game put the object in the player inventory ?

; check if player gold amount is greater than or equal to selected object
if (Game.GetPlayer().GetGoldAmount() >= SelectedObject.value)
    ; lines to remove gold from player then adds key to player
    Game.GetPlayer().RemoveItem(pItemGold, SelectedObject.value)

    ; add object to the player inventory
    Game.GetPlayer().AddItem(SelectedObject, 1)
    Debug.Message("You haven't enough money to pay it");

Also I would give to the player the option to steal it, but this is another story.... (another problem for another time :happy: )

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id make those items unique activators (shared script) so You can react better to activation and give or not the item if the player has the gold or is sneaking, something like this:

Scriptname BuyItem Extends ObjectReference

Miscobject property myitem auto; fill with the associated misc item the activator represents.
Miscobject property gold auto
Event onactivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)
 If akactivator == game.getplayer()
  If akactivator.IsSneaking()
   Int Cost = myitem.getgoldvalue()
   If akactivator.getgoldamount() >= Cost
    akactivator.RemoveItem(gold, Cost)
    debug.notification("You don't have enough gold")

EDIT: added deleting of the activator and corrected the activate event, is objectreference parameter not actor, wrote it on the phone...

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