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Weird underwater blur


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Hello !


While playing in 3rd person, I've discovered that the underwater blur applied inside the objects models while keeping the geometry sharp, instead of blurring the whole picture. Does anyone know if this is a normal behaviour from Skyrim or if I messed up with my ini modifications? I'm using Mod Organizer and I've tried with and without mods.




CPU : Intel® Core2 Duo CPU E8500 @3.16GHz 3.17 GHz
RAM : 6.00 GB
OS : Windows 7 64 bits
Video card : Asus GeForce ENGTX 260 896 MB



Load Order


# This file was automatically generated by Mod Organizer.

Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.esp
SoS - The Wilds.esp
SoS - Civilization.esp
SoS - The Dungeons.esp
Run For Your Lives.esp
Better Embers.esp
Auto Unequip Ammo.esp
Distant DetailHF.esp
SDO Full-LOD - Giant Campfires.esp
SDO Full-LOD - The Morthal Swamp Complete.esp
SDO Full-LOD - Waterfall Effects.esp
SDO Full-LOD - Whiterun Trundra Creeks.esp
ELFX - Exteriors.esp
SkyFalls + SkyMills + DG + DB.esp

SkyFalls Dragonborn Small waterfalls.esp



Thank you !

Edited by DnKrow7
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  • Deactivate ALL your mods, (not uninstall huh ?) and test in game. If it worked, increase by 50 % your mods to see if it's above or below to find the problem.
  • Backup your skyrim.ini and skyrimprefs.ini and delete them, then load the launcher to autodetect your graphics.
  • Do you use any ENB ? Try disabling it or differents settings, refer to the downloaded mod page for details.
  • See these mods : green water fix / The ruffled feather


Hope this helps

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I simply can't understand what is going on. I'm using Mod Organizer so my Data folder is clean of absolutely everything (I've deleted the Skyrim - Invalidation.bsa generated by MO). I've deleted the two .ini files and launched Skyrim through steam and the launcher and I've got the same problem, although a bit less pronounced (when testing I found that ELFXEnhancer.esp was worsening the problem apparently). If I launch the game without updates.esm, dawnguard.esm, hearthfires.esm and dragonborn.esm, I don't have this problem. As soon as I add updates.esm in the data folder, this problem appears. I don't know. :sad: I don't really want to reinstall the game from scratch to see if it changes anything. ><

Anyway, thanks for your help!

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I have solved my problem! Thanks to you who have provided me the link to the green water fix, I was able to know where to search to solve it. It appears that Bethesda added the Image Space 'UnderwaterImageSpace' in updates.esm, with Depth of Field parameters. That explains why I did not have this blur when launching skyrim without it. I asked my brother (who has never used any mod whatsoever) to see on his game and he had indeed this blur on his character when viewed from far behind in 3rd person. If you check in your game you should also see this blur.
Then, I opened ELFXEnhanced.esp in TES5Edit and I've seen that indeed these parameters had been tweaked, worsening the blur.


Here is a printscreen of TES5Edit where you can see the parameters.

And some screenshots with the parameters I changed.



(Range 100.000; Sky/Blur Radius Radius 5, the parameters set in ELFXEnhanced.esp)



(Range 100.000; Sky/Blur Radius Radius 2), we can see that a lower value diminish the effect.



(Range 500.000; Sky/Blur Radius Radius 2, the parameters set in updates.esm)



(Range 500.000; Sky/Blur Radius Radius 5) Not much of a change I think.



(Range 1000.000; Sky/Blur Radius Radius 2) That's more acceptable!



Range 1000.000; Sky/Blur Radius Radius 1) The blur is less pronounced but still visible in the distance. :smile:


I've finally decided to go with parameters set as Strength : 0.5 (instead of 1), Range 2000.0000 and Sky/Blur Radius Radius 2 and I like it this way. :D


Thank you for your help and I hope my long head scratching will help someone if needed. ^^

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After several tests, I found out that the culprit is ELFX Enhancer. Skyrim has a degree of depth of field underwater which blurs stuff based on proximity, then there is yet another blur from what i've seen, which comes from the Enhancer option from ELFX (Enhanced Lights and FX) mod, making your character look terrible underwater, as well as many other textures.

Disable ELFX Enhancer option and it should run normally again.



P.S: Most probably necroposting but just since this is one of the first results google has for this problem, might as well make it known...

Edited by edgarbh01
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