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Your Own Faction


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What I was thinking was to ally the already existing factions ( for example) the Bo's and boomers then be their leader and then you could hire additional help. Love the ideas I've already read and the only regret I have is that I don't know how to mod or I would so be making this right now!

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Everyone who keeps saying that they can help with ideas, they just cannot make the mod..... I do not see much helping. You could be posting story ideas and concept art. Here is how I help, here are my ideas on the implementation of this mod. I have devised lots of ideas, gave examples, and linked examples. If you all want this to actually happen do not wait on the moder to actually mod it in. Work on concept art, Develop the story and scripts, that way when someone does mod it they know exactly what they need to do.


Personal note on the first post: I really wish that TSC Vegas was finished and open to the public.




now I think that this kind of thing would be good. I however think that it shouldn't start in the Mojave, it should be on an added land-space. Then once you complete a quest line (find the place, help them, become leader), you will have the option of expanding to areas in the Mojave (and other DLC's).




Land size: The added outside space itself shouldn't be too big. I was thinking along the lines of the size of the meadow around Fort Dawngard (Skyrim). I was thinking maybe it would have two or three small buildings to explore (besides the area were the people are)


The People: You would have to have people that A. do not have anyone else to turn to for help (like Enclave refugee's, A group of Viper convicts, Disheartened Legion deserters), or B people that do not know of anyone else to turn to (A large vault that still has naïve inhabitants, A pre-war American military instillation that has been cut of from others, or tribals of some kind). For the later group you would need an area that has been cut off from the rest of the would (Like the tunnel to them was caved in, or the only way out was guarded by a powerful prewar security system).


The Quest: I will put this at the bottom because it is quite extensive and I want to get to the actual faction part before everyone is board of reading this.


The Faction-------------------


Rules: When you become the leader of the group, you can change a few fundamental rules/habits of the people. (like are they Kill on Sight survivalist, are they military themed. Do they help the wasteland like the FoP or do they look out for themselves). You should also set the morals of the group here (will they be disciplined and honorable or will it feel like you are running a sin factory like the Gamorah)


Customization: this is the stage you decide what your forces look like

-what banner they will use, Out of a few CUSTOM and vanilla banners

-What armor they will where, I think it shouldn't just given to your men. To get power armor you have to do a quest where you go to try to acquire this armor. To get combat armor will be a similar (for the sake of the mod maker) but different quest to get ahold of a supply of CA. To start with the armor should look like powder ganger guard armor or vault security amour, (unless they were tribals, then I think a marked man patchwork style armor should be used) it should have the same base DT as leather armor. The armor should look like this. It should also be the armor that your police/guards use. just custom to whatever story is done.

-What theme their controlled areas will have. (do you want an advanced enclave look, or how about a luxurious feel, maybe you want everything themed like a vault, or you just want sandbags and fences like the NCR). You will do this A- by paying for the renovation or B- by another mission styled get the supplies thing (same as the armor)


Allies: For your group to become allies with a faction you yourself have to be accepted or above (certain groups like the BoS will not ally with you unless you are a member.

-To become an ally you will have to speak to a representative (Mod NPC) about it. (examples: An bureaucrat working in the NCR embassy, A scribe in the BOS, a resident of Novac or Prim, A victor/yesman styled Securitron that is for public relations


Outpost: When this faction becomes yours, you can make 3 different types of outposts.

-Military, increases your "military presence" count by 3, you will be less likely to be attacked by someone with a high Military presence. they will store/sell and buy arms and armor. They will also have generic soldiers for you to command

-Science, This increases your "standard of living" count by 3, people will be more likely to join and stay with you. They will also help develop things based on where thy are (Robot technology recon offices, or solar power from the plant) They will also sell advanced things and things related to science. The science outpost will have guards and not soldiers.

-Civilian, This will increase your "Fanatical Effect" count by 3, This will make shops and factions offer better deals on goods for your faction. They will have medical areas, junk/pawn venders, and small lesser versions of the science and weapons venders. They will be guarded by Guards and not solders

-- optional Mixed outposts --

-if you have a science outpost with a military station then you still get your bonuses to science, but the store will not have what I full science outpost has. And the military side will be much smaller and probably will not let you take soldiers as followers. The points would be distributed as- "Standard of Living"-2 "Military Presence"-1

This system would be interchangeable (Military outpost with science station, Civilian outpost with Military station Etc......)

-if you want one that does it all then you can get a mixed station with all of the three put together (all-purpose station). It will have restrictions on every store, and will give you special extras slower and at random (the effect could be like a military, science, or civilian area) points 1 for each of the three categories


Finding Quest---------------------


Vault- This story would be of a vault that was forgotten in time. A rather large vault too. This vault would have had instructions to not open its doors until contact with was made with someone un the outside. The catch (as there always is with Vault Tec) is that the way to the vault was purposely destroyed to hide the vault and the vault had special shielding from radio frequencies. This is why the radio broadcasts and activity from groups like the Enclave, NCR, and BoS were never received. That's where you come in, someone smart finds plans or realizes that a road covered in ruble once went somewhere and you get to the area that the vault is. You find it and try to communicate with it. Eventually getting inside. You find that their overseer is incompetent and worthless. You help them on a few things, gain there respect and they all accept you as there leader.


Convicts- This would be about a facility similar to the NCRCF. The people get free and realize that staying is the best option. You could be contracted to go clear them out. When you get there however they say that they will help you rather than get annihilated. You also would probably have a few troublemakers, set an example that you are not as nice as the NCR and kill them, or Exile them to get killed by other bounty hunters, or lock them up again. What ever way you do it, you establish that you are the authority and they respect that.


Pre-War Bunker- As the impending apocalypse loomed over their heads some survivalist that could not afford the Vaults or just wanted to do it their own way, grouped together and made a bunker that would rival even the largest vault tech vaults. Because these people were not impeded by the vault tech shenanigans, they flourished underground. Their lifestyle and beliefs mirror pre-war America. In the bombing of the grate war the path was destroyed and all have forgotten about the bunker. You find it. Later after you help them with some problems (as is the fallout way) they send scouts out. When they return and tell the bunkers people of all of the amazing exploits that were made by you, They name you as there Governor in the new world with confidence.


Enclave- After the fall of almost all major enclave facilities, many the remnants of the once proud group ended up at a enclave civilian shelter. They have been reflecting on the bad mistakes of their group. And have no real direction. The only thing that they can agree on is to maintain radio silence and hope that the NCR or BoS doesn't find them. Then you find them. At first they have a hard time trusting you (it will be easier to gain trust with ED-E or Gannon with you). You end up unifying them under a certain purpose and they name you their new Commander and Chief. With your lead they are accepted by the other factions with more openness than if it was some random Colonel.


Depending on what story is put in the mod, we should have a different title, Governor (pre-war bunker), Chief Commanding Officer (Enclave), Warden (convicts), Supreme Overseer (vault)



NPC's Needed-------------------------------------


-A Guard caption of some kind- This will be who makes first contact with you, he will later be A-your bodyguard (follower) or B-He will lead your police/security force in the faction headquarters (the vault, bunker, facility you found)


-A head of the group. This will be the guy that the guard says "I need to bring you to ___, he will want to know about this" He will be the one telling you what problems they need fixing. Later he will be the civilian adviser. He will tell you the best locations to put civilian areas.


-A Dr. He will be just as stated, the medical doctor for the group. probably needing help for something. He will later be the head medical researcher of your faction


-The head researcher- He will be someone that needs your help in the beginning, later he will be the one that gives you unique items for your faction, he would be relocated to The Big Empty and restore it for your faction. He would also tell you places that he wants a "research outpost" in areas like repcon rocket facility, Repcon offices, The solar plant (only if NCR are allies), Ect...


-A Tactical leader, unlike the guard this guy will be your tactical commander, he would give generic advice on your military's needs. He would steer you in the direction of spaces that are able to be occupied by your forces (like saying, the Legion emptied out a town to the south, we can set up an outpost there. or Searchlight airport is empty we could use that, The repcon rocket facility is empty now, that could be a good outpost)


- An assistant that gathers all important information from the others and tells it to you, that way you do not have to run all over the world to see what your faction needs


+NPC's of other factions that will be your contact in that faction



This I feel is the way it should be done. I am not a mod maker so in may not all me possible. That is fine. I am serious about everyone helping with concept art and story/scripts. If you have read this far then you should try doing something like what I did or at least say witch story you like the most (Vault, Enclave, Pre-war Bunker, Convicts). That way we can get this ride steered in the right direction.


Sorry about the word wall.


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  • 9 months later...

Personally I think it should start eit her in the Lucky 38 or BIG MOUNTAIN! It sh ould take cues from mods like Mothership Zeta Crew, Kvatch Rebuilt, and Helgen Reborn

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  • 3 weeks later...

It seems a lot of people want this.....


Why dont a group of modders make this, i for one would love to help make this mod.

with the idea, why doesnt everyone who has replied and has some form of modding experience band together? Start the project at least?


I would gladly offer my world space design behind this along with my voice acting!

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