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Stretchy/Warped Foliage and Grass


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Finally found a topic about this problem!


Oopsie, I tried everything you suggested, but without much progress unfortunately.


I also had the same problem with Borderlands, you just had to switch the Foliage to 0, also with Fallout.


I got all those games off of Steam, so there might be a link there....I honestly doubt they will attend to this bug though, so we must continue our adventure through Skyrim.ini/prefs


Aha, I'll post If I find anything.

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Oopsie, you are a lifesaver! I altered the fTreeLoadDistance and bAllowCreateGrass just as you said and the texture tearing is completely gone! Thankyou :D - After 2 days i can finally play it :D. I haven't noticed any repercussions yet either :).


For anyone who's still having trouble, since most of you seem to be on ATI graphics laptops, here is the driver i used to get my machine from 5fps lowest settings to 30fps practically medium;




It allows you to install the drivers that can't be installed by ATI Catalyst Mobility Installer due to the manufacturer.


I also ran across a post in my search for a solution (http://forums.bethsoft.com/index.php?/topic/1261612-texture-warping-or-something/) where someone had found a modified (more updated driver) that seemed to fix the issue. It didn't work for me, but maybe it'll work for some one else. Here's the link :).




Alright, i'm off to play my newly fixed Skyrim :D :D.

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Worked like a charm. I have had trouble having the setting stay engaged. I have had to go back and change the tree file many times. Any way to fix this?


I've had the same trouble. I think it might have to be reset every time your computer is restarted, or, more likely, when your game settings are changed from the configuration menu. Quite annoying, but I am glad to hear it at least works.

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