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More Retro-Sci-Fi Technology!


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This is more of a suggestion for modding in general rather than an idea for a specific mod. I've seen a lot of mods out there that add new high-tech armors and weapons, but they look more like they belong in the Mass Effect or Halo universes rather than Fallout, with smooth, clean metal panels, hexagon grid patterns, and loads of blacks and grays. Not to mention mods that add modern-day clothes and tech. I know we have a "Not Lore-Friendly" category for such things, but what makes Fallout so unique is its use of both Post-Apocalyptia and Retro-Futurism. The Nuka Suit had the right idea, but that's just the exception that proves the rule. We need more retro stuff! Ray guns, bubble helmets, pointy shoulder pads, those floaty ring things around everyone's limbs you see on the Jetsons- all that kind of stuff. This sort of stuff is what made me fall in love with Fallout in the first place; we should embrace it.


For ideas and inspiration, check these out:




Googie Architecture


Tumblog dedicated to Vintage Retro stuff

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