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Again a mod permission question


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I have ported some Sims hairstyles for DA:O. Of course I have the permissions from the original Sims authors.

Several people have asked me if they can convert my mods for Dragon Age 2.

My question is: is my permission enough or do they have to ask the Sims authors and not me?

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Okay, that means they have to ask the Sims authors, right? Sorry, for repeating but I want to be 100% sure because there are a mods available which have only the permission of the one who has ported the hairstyles.

That's the reason why I'm a bit confused.

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If the original Sims hair author gave you a personal permission (to you and only you) then other people will have to ask for the permission directly.


If the original author gave a global permission (yes it's fine for anyone to convert my stuff) then they won't need to ask directly.

A credit to the original creator is still required, though.


If the permission is not totally clear about personal or global, I suggest, because you already had contact with the author and to avoid him/her to be annoyed by multiple requests if not necessary , to ask him/her clarification. Then you can add the conditions in your Perm/credits tab.


That's the way I would do it or I would like it to be done if I was the original author.

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