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Any tips on raising speechcraft?


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Any other way to raise speechcraft besides buying/selling at the horrendous ripoff prices available to newbie characters?


I guess I could try to find someone to train it to me but have not found such a person yet.


Also I guess character disposition is not in this game, like it was in Morrowind and Oblivion? There is I guess just basically 3 states of relationship - like ,neutral, dislike ?

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I'm not sure how the speechcraft increases when you sell stuff, whether its based on the size of the transaction or the number of them. If it is the number, just pick a ton of flowers/ingredients/cheap stuff and sell it like crazy, you won't get ripped off (since you got the stuff for free in the first place) and you can greatly increase the number of transactions you can do because each thing sells for a small amount of money. Check your speechcraft bar inbetween sells to see if it increases the same with each transaction and that should work.
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