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Rebels or the Legion?


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So yeah, during the opening sequence, you can choose to follow Hadvar, the Imperial soldier dude, or you can follow that long blonde Stormcloak (rebel) dude.


...Which is better? Will it have a large impact on the story later on?


My first character, an Imperial fighter woman follow the soldier... had to kill a bunch of rebels, which I felt kind of sad about. But he was a nice guy, even asks me to join up with the very people who were about to behead me.


Second time around, as a male Breton mage, I followed the rebel - and I got to kill that annoying loudmouthed woman from the beginning who wanted to chop off my head for no reason. Yay!


But... is one considered "good" or "evil"? Which? And what difference does each choice make?


Also, is anyone having any luck creating cool looking characters? I kind of tried to make a reincarnation of my extremely hawt and awesome Oblivion character, a male Breton mage, but I think this "new" version of him kinda looks like he fell off the ugly tree. I hope someone will share some face retextures soon, I don't like these very much (all the elves look like Klingons). :sad:


It's also going to be a little weird, getting used to seeing all these bearded men, since all the ones in Oblivion were clean shaven... hehe.



Edited by Lehcar
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I followed the Stormcloaks because the Legion is mean in the beginning. Maybe the next person I'll make will be more Imperial-inclined.


Also, the guy you follow into the Keep is Ralof, not Ulfric, he's the Jarl of Windhelm. Although you do meet him.

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