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Dark brotherhood "Shrouded hood" no mask bug


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I dug up my old account just to leave a reply. I am having the same issue on the PC version. I've noticed the samething where as there is a "Shrouded Cowl," and a "Maskless," version. At first I thought this might be because I am Argonian (due to the lizard-like mouth) so I ran the showracemenu command and changed my race to Nord. Still the issue was there. I am hoping this is just a bug and they fix it soon.. Also. For some odd reason, "Ancient Shrouded Cowl," if I am spelling it correctly, has no visiual effect on Argionians. I was upset when I found the armor, equipted it, and displayed as if I was wearing no head-gear.
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I have done a lot of research into this and the only answer I seem to get is that it's a female only feature. Although, I have heard that it's a bug caused by facial hair. I would really like a PC user to check this out for me since I'm on 360 this run around. I would say it's not a bug and just something stupid bethesda decided to do (1st Recon armor not available to players).
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  • 2 weeks later...

I have done a lot of research into this and the only answer I seem to get is that it's a female only feature. Although, I have heard that it's a bug caused by facial hair. I would really like a PC user to check this out for me since I'm on 360 this run around. I would say it's not a bug and just something stupid bethesda decided to do (1st Recon armor not available to players).



Your post....it makes me angry...probably because you're right...but still...gawdammit bethesda.


This can be mod-fixed right? Like seriously, someone can MOD this to work the way it SHOULD right?

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Is there supposed to be a mask on the shrowded hood? I don't seem to have the shrowded cowl - only the maskless one - but I do have the shrowded hood. It doesn't have a mask on my female khajiit character.





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